Problem with Exegetical Guide

On the exegetical guide, for some reason the English translation does not appear beside the Greek in the word by word section. But it works just fine when I type in any Old Testament text. What in the world is going on?
Which Reverse Interlinear Bible are you using in the Exegetical Guide? If you choose another RI does the problem go away?
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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I don't know what the Reverse Interlinear Bible is or where to find it. Could you tell me where it is?
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I don't know what the Reverse Interlinear Bible is or where to find it. Could you tell me where it is?
The name appears right under the Word by Word heading:
This Bible provides the Greek or Hebrew text you see at the left of each verse listing.
In my example you can see I am using the NASB95 RI (Reverse Interlinear).
What shows up in this position in your exegetical guide?
(To select another RI, there is a drop-down list indicated by the small down arrow next to the Bible you are using.)
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA
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That was it. Thanks so much! I have no idea how it changed to something else.
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That was it. Thanks so much! I have no idea how it changed to something else.
Good. I'm glad you are back in business.
Pastor, North Park Baptist Church
Bridgeport, CT USA