External Links from other programs to Logos 3

If you have external links set up from another program to Logos v. 3, you might want to check them out because some of mine that I had set up now point to v. 4 and I am not sure I want that but it happened automatically. And they do not work the same in every case. FYI
JoanKorte said:
If you have external links set up from another program to Logos v. 3, you might want to check them out because some of mine that I had set up now point to v. 4 and I am not sure I want that but it happened automatically. And they do not work the same in every case. FYI
That's a good point. Bob mentioned in a post that 3.x and 4.0 will be able to run on the same machine. Will there be a way to pick which one the links will open to?
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JoanKorte said:
And they do not work the same in every case.
We've programmed Logos 4 to take over some of the "simple" libronixdls: links that can be created (such as opening a Bible to a verse), but it should pass the complicated links on to LDLS3 (if it's installed). Can you give us some examples of links that don't work correctly in Logos 4?
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These are all external links I made within BibleWorks 8 using their external links manager to open Dict. of Bibl. Imagery in LDLS3, KJV, ESV, and others. I haven't tried them all since I had over a dozen. Hope that helps.
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IOW, they all take me to version 4, now. And because I am only running Beta 2 on my other computer, if you want me to check them all, I will but it will have to be later. [:D]
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JoanKorte said:
IOW, they all take me to version 4, now. And because I am only running Beta 2 on my other computer, if you want me to check them all, I will but it will have to be later.
We are happy to wait. You don't have to exhaustively check them all, but if you notice some links that are going to the wrong place, we would appreciate it if you could provide details on how the link is defined in the external links manager, so that we can ensure Logos 4 is compatible with BW. (We tried to test with every link we saw posted on their forums, but might have missed some.)
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I'm happy to check them all for you by Monday, Bradley!
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Bradley Grainger said:
(We tried to test with every link we saw posted on their forums, but might have missed some.)
Its really cool that you considered that function from BW. That says a lot. I was wondering how it would effect them.
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Bradley Grainger said:
so that we can ensure Logos 4 is compatible with BW. (We tried to test with every link we saw posted on their forums, but might have missed some.)
I'm with Philip,
That's a class act.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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Here is my list of links to Logos v. 3 and what now happens with Beta 2 installed:
External Links from Bibleworks 8 to LDLS3
Anchor Bible Dict-opens in v. 4 to correct book
Apocrypha Commentary-opens in v. 4 to correct book and verse
Commentaries Search-opens in v. 4 to search entire Library (given a Scripture reference in Bibleworks)
Dict. Bib. Imagery-opens to v. 4 correct book
JFB-opens in v. 4 to correct book and verse
Jewish NT Commentary-opens in v. 4 to correct verse
KJV-opens v. 4 but resource unavailable
NA27-opens v. 4, but opens preferred English Bible
NIBD-open v. 4 correct book, but not word
Dict. Later NT-opens v. 4 correct book
Dict. Paul-opens v. 4 correct book
Hebrew-opens v. 4 preferred English Bible, not BHS
ESV Interlinear NT-opens v. 4, but opens preferred English Bible
ESV Interlinear OT-opens v. 4, but opens preferred English Bible
RWP-opens v. 4, but opens preferred English Bible
Keil-opens v. 4, but opens preferred English Bible
Attached is my file from Bibleworks init with the syntax for all my links (I have others in addition to the Logos links)
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JoanKorte said:
Attached is my file from Bibleworks init with the syntax for all my links (I have others in addition to the Logos links)
Thanks very much for sending this; we'll look into it.
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Bradley Grainger said:
Thanks very much for sending this; we'll look into it.
You should see improvements to external linking in Beta 5; please let us know if you continue to have any problems once Beta 5 is installed.
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Yes, Bradley, I will wait for Beta 5 to check them out. Thanks!