Dragging URLS still not working (Verbum/Mac 10.1)

Don Awalt
Don Awalt Member Posts: 3,528 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

First Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it!

I am having trouble dragging a URL to Favorites. I am on Verbum/Mac

So I took a video - I noticed you can't see exactly what I clicked on in the Safari URL bar, but you can see the little blue icon which shows I did click on the URL icon on the left side of the URL address bar. You can see when I release, the dragged URL flies back and is not added to favorites. I tried this with both Safari and Chrome on my MacBook Pro.

I had to provide a Dropbox link to the file, as it was too big to attach as a zip. Hope that is ok.

Is there something I am now doing wrong? 

Here is the Dropbox link of the video:


