Notes: On entry cursor position lost

Paul M
Paul M Member Posts: 647 ✭✭
edited November 21 in English Forum

Hi again

Another problem with notes on Android for Mobile.  As seen from about 0:09 in this video: the cursor is moved to a new location and on entering text, the position is changed and so text is entered in the wrong place.  

This is one of a number of problems making Notes on Android close to unusable:

Notes: On delete cursor position is lost & gibbersih is added

Notes: deleting text truncates wrong side of cursor

Notes: Deleting text erroneously removes line break & adds gibberish

Notes: Problem with entering text after copy & paste into mobile

These issues cover, adding text, deleting text, pasting text and cursor position being lost.  So pretty much all of the main functions when entering text are buggy.



