Notes: Deleting text erroneously removes line break & adds gibberish

Paul M
Paul M Member Posts: 647 ✭✭
edited November 21 in English Forum

Hi there

This is the fourth of number of serious problems with the notes on Android mobile. Again it is shown in this video:  If you review the video attached (best slowed down), you will see that when I highlight the word useful and start deleting text, the cursor moves to the previous line.  When the delete reaches the word but  a couple of problems are evident.  Firstly the line break disappears, the letter i (presumably from it) reappears, the letter g disappears from gh.  Secondly, as you keep deleting, the letters bu appear from nowhere leading the word butbueeps to appear.

I believe that this issue has been present for several years, like the others, but I've not really turned my attention to capturing it for reporting. FYI I use a variety of other apps on my Android phone to edit documents etc without these issues, they are Logos specific.  For instance I use, the Office Apps, Word etc, Gmail, Outlook. Facebook, Drive, Teams etc



