Notes: text doesn't wrap

Paul M
Paul M Member Posts: 685 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

As per screenshot,pasting the following text into notes

apostolic apostoli churchJesus apostolicFollower apostolic JesusfollowerJesus   JesusfollowerJesusJesusfollowerJesusJesusfollowerJesusJesusfollowerJesus

Doesn't wrap correctly in notes:


A fringe case for sure but a problem too



  • Ali Pope
    Ali Pope Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,821

    I've created a case and will let you know when it is resolved. Thanks!

    Ali Pope | Logos Desktop and Mobile Program Manager

  • Ali Pope
    Ali Pope Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,821

    Hi Paul. The team has spent significant time investigating this case. The current workaround is to  insert breaks and the issue will not be apparent. 

    At this time, we've decided that we are not going to address this issue because of the rarity in the length of words that you are typing (we also checked other languages) and the current workaround available. 

    That being said, we still value and appreciate your diligence in catching bugs on Android! 

    Ali Pope | Logos Desktop and Mobile Program Manager

  • Paul M
    Paul M Member Posts: 685 ✭✭✭

    OK fair enough.  TBH I expected that you would probably use a standard component for notes that would handle all of these sorts of things, but reading between the lines it seems that you have a custom/customised component.  I understand the decision, thanks for taking the time to reply.