Highlghting Takes Two Attempts Logos for Mac

Whenever I want to highlight, using the right click function. The first attempt never works, whilst the second attempt does. Is anyone else experiencing this? This is on Logos for Mac v10
James Tetley said:
Whenever I want to highlight, using the right click function. The first attempt never works, whilst the second attempt does. Is anyone else experiencing this? This is on Logos for Mac v10
No - but perhaps I misunderstand the question?
When I highlight I single click and drag over the section I want selected. With a two finger click I can only select 'highlight' from the menu.
It works but I can't think why I would do it that way. :-(
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Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS
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Mike Binks said:
t works but I can't think why I would do it that way. :-(
That's easy. I do it all the time ... when I select red-ish orange, instead of orange-ish red, and have to then delete, and try again.
But regarding the initial question, and as requested, I haven't seen a bug where 2 highlights are required. There is still another bug from Oct where a single random click brings up the menu ... and it's word-specific. The work around, is to choose character-highlighting.