Nested folder functionality for Notes

Richard Mast
Richard Mast Member Posts: 16 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum


I've used Logos for a ling time and there is one thing I haven't been able to figure out.  I have my sermons in as individual notes in a Sermons Notebook, but inside that notebook everything is in disarray.  I would like very much to have nested folders inside a notebook.  For example I would like to have a folder for 1 Peter and inside that folder one for chapter one.  

Is there any way to have a nested hierarchically organized approach to this?  Maybe tags or labels?  Can't seem to make that work either. Am I the only one who would like to do this?

I can do it in Olive Tree, but Olive Tree notes are very rudimentary otherwise.

Thanks for your help if you have any to give.


