Missing Commentary in Passage Guide and My Guide

I have ’n Series of resources (Christ-Centered ExpositionCommentary) that I placed in Priority resources. I was working on Psalm 92. When I go to My Guide in the Commentary section I do not find it in my Commentary list. When I go to another passage for example Isaiah 44 or Luk 4 it appears but not with any Psalms from 51-100. Every Psalm from 1 -50 and Psalms 101-150 it appears. It only does not appear in psalms 51-100. Is there a reason for this and is there a way to fix it?
EDIT: Welcome, Dirk, to the user forums!
Dirk Human said:Is there a reason for this and is there a way to fix it?
Yes: the Ps 51-100 book is still in edition:eBook and type:monograph, which indicates there is no bible index in it (yet). You can't do anything about it - other than using mytags and/or a collection to make sure you capture commentaries that are not indexed.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Thanks a lot. Much appreciated.