List of English Bible Translations with Equivalence & Grade Reading Levels
Is it okay to use this chart the text I write? If so, what is the credit required?
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MB Moody
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Hey MB Moody! Absolutely; no accreditation is necessary -- but if you would like to:
Scott0 -
Hi Scott! Roman Catholic here, and I was curious as to why you have the NAB and NABRE marked with an 'A' for archaic language? All New American Bible editions use modern English, free from all 'thee's, 'thou's, and 'thy's. God bless!
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Joseph Christian said:
Roman Catholic here, and I was curious as to why you have the NAB and NABRE marked with an 'A' for archaic language? All New American Bible editions use modern English, free from all 'thee's, 'thou's, and 'thy's.
Welcome [:)]
Searching English Bibles for archaic language:
"ye" OR thee OR thou OR thine OR thy included two results in the NAB
NAB Micah 7:10 => When my enemy sees this, shame shall cover her: She who said to me, “Where is the LORD, thy God?” My eyes shall see her downfall; now shall she be trampled underfoot, like the mire in the streets.
NAB John 8:6 footnote => 6 They said this to test him, so that they could have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and began to write on the ground with his finger.
* Cf Jer 17:13 (RSV): “Those who turn away from thee shall be written in the earth, for they have forsaken the , the fountain of living water”; cf John 7:38.
Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Board of Trustees, Catholic Church. National Conference of Catholic Bishops, and United States Catholic Conference. Administrative Board, The New American Bible: Translated from the Original Languages with Critical Use of All the Ancient Sources and the Revised New Testament (Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, 1996), Jn 8:6.
A printed NAB (with Revised New Testament & Psalms) has the two archaic words (so digital search results are correct).
NABRE has one archaic word in John 8:6 footnote (quoting RSV).
Thanks: Logos Wiki has been updated =>
Keep Smiling [:)]
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I have done some fairly extensive updating of the bible Tables and Chart; here are the new URLs:!