Announcement: Books from are being moved to the store

Mark Barnes (Logos)
Mark Barnes (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 1,993
edited November 2024 in English Forum

On 9 December 2022, we're moving the books from into the store.

We launched this site in 2014, allowing Logos 6 users to search inside facsimile copies of some public domain books and optionally add them to their Logos libraries. The goal of this site was to provide early access to resources that had not yet been made into full Logos resources. Now, after many years, we have created full digital versions of some of these resources, and we’re moving any remaining facsimile editions to to make it easier for you to find them and benefit from them.

Nothing will change with any facsimile editions you’ve already added to your Logos library. You’ll continue to have access to them in precisely the same way you do now. But you won’t be able to add new editions to your library.

If you want to acquire the facsimile editions that were hosted at, we will be making them available for purchase in our store for $0.99 each. These facsimile editions have no links or tagging. The text has been OCRd so that you can search inside them, but any OCR errors have not been corrected. They look like this:

I'll update this thread when these facsimile editions become available at 
