CRASH: Logos won't open on Android

Android 23.0.0 (Beta?)
I didn't have an issue last night, but this morning, Logos won't open on my phone. It shows the splash screen and then crashes. Tried restarting my phone and (although I wasn't sure this would be a good idea) clearing the cache. I can't open in order to send logs. Anything else I can do?
Robert Kelbe said:
Android 23.0.0 (Beta?)
As per the discussion at it looks as though there is a 23.0.1 which fics (most of) the crashing issues. Just not when you try to access the homepage.
And it's worth posting beta related issues in the beta forum at
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To add to Graham's reply, the home page crash has now been fixed in version 23.0.2 1230002023.
Ali Pope | Logos Desktop and Mobile Program Manager