What is the book enumeration for The Wisdom of Solomon

Good morning!
I have made a text file for A Bíblia de Jerusalem (Jerusalem Bible in Portuguese--I'd love to see Logos include this in their catalogue). The book enumeration I have from somewhere since forgotten for The Wisdom of Solomon is 43, but when I build the book, Logos displays the number (which is supposed to be hidden) and the verses do not show up when I do a search. I am thinking that perhaps I have the wrong number for this book. Which number do I assign?
Thank you!
Mark A. Ellis
Mark A. Ellis said:
The book enumeration I have from somewhere since forgotten for The Wisdom of Solomon is 43
I think this number is correct. Maybe the combination of bible index and language doesn't work somehow? Is there a bible in Portuguese that contains the deuterocanonicals and otherwise works with the versification you use (so that you could replace all "bible." with "bibleABC." in your PB source).
Have joy in the Lord!
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Thank you, Mick.
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The more generic answer is found at Logos Bible Book Names
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Mark A. Ellis said:
I have made a text file for A Bíblia de Jerusalem (Jerusalem Bible in Portuguese--I'd love to see Logos include this in their catalogue). The book enumeration I have from somewhere since forgotten for The Wisdom of Solomon is 43, but when I build the book, Logos displays the number (which is supposed to be hidden) and the verses do not show up when I do a search.
It would help if you uploaded a part of your docx file that included some chapters of Canticos as well as some for Wisdom.
I managed to get this to work in an English PB:-
[[@bible.43.11]]Wisdom Chapter 11
[[@bible.43.11.1]] Wisdom 11:1 {{field-on:bible}}She prospered their affairs through the holy prophet{{field-off:bible}} ----> Normal style
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Good morning, Dave. I apologize for my delay in thanking you for your efforts to help me! I will be implementing them today.
Once again, thank you.
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Mark A. Ellis said:
I experimented with parts of Cânticos (Song of Solomon) and Sabedoria (Wisdom of Solomon)
You will have to format your bible more like my Canticos chapter. The hidden text you see in Sabedoria has incorrect formatting, but I managed to get rid of it for the chapter heading and verse 1. The style and fonts varies between the two books, so look to making these consistent. I don't like the hidden text but it may work if corrected. Beware that you can apparently apply {{field-on:bible}} {{field-off:bible}} to cover a number of bible verses including punctuation and verse numbers, but non-bible text (e.g. headings) has to be excluded as in Canticos.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
I don't like the hidden text but it may work if corrected.
I made hidden text visible in Word 365 Options > Display, changed the font size to 9 and ensured it was not superscript. Then corrected the syntax.
I inserted a word End so that the last bible word "injustiça" would be recognised as such (seems like a bug that I had to do this).
You can make the PB syntax to be hidden text irrespective of font size.
===Windows 11 & Android 13