Word Study in same panel set?

Christopher powers
Christopher powers Member Posts: 18 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hi there,

So, I have my NA NT in one panel, the critical apparatus in another, and a word study module open in a third. I’ve linked the NT and the apparatus so that they scroll together, but I can’t find a place to link the word study module as well….because of this, whenever I choose to search a word, logos zooms out and opens an entirely new window with a new word study *even though* I had a word study module ready and waiting in my panel set…..Can anyone help me with what I’m missing? It’d be great to do a word study and have it open right there in the panel within the same window as my text. 

Thanks so much for any input!




  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 3,087 ✭✭✭

    Links have to match (type). You're linking verses. Not lemmas. So the BWS can't follow linked verses.

    Regarding a new panel, vs a new window, that's their UI. Normally you'd ask the user, if referring out of a window with unmet panels.

  • Christopher powers
    Christopher powers Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    I see  - that’s good to know. Thank you!

    However, more important than linking is getting the word search to open in the word panel that I already have up in my window. That’s really what I’m after. Is there a way to do that?

  • Frank Hodges
    Frank Hodges Member Posts: 388 ✭✭✭

    Not sure if I read your question correctly but I currently have a WS panel linked to my Bible and if I click on a single word in the Bible it will open that specific word in the WS panel. Hope this helps. 

  • Christopher powers
    Christopher powers Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    Yes, I think that’s exactly what I’m wanting to do. How did you link the WS panel to your Bible? I can’t seem to do it witch the ‘A,B,C…’ link option as one does not appear on the WS panel…?

  • Ali Pope
    Ali Pope Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,821

    Christopher, Bible Word Study (as well as the other guides) cannot currently be panel linked in mobile. 

    Frank, are you referring to the Desktop app in your response? 

    Ali Pope | Logos Desktop and Mobile Program Manager

  • Christopher powers
    Christopher powers Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    Hey Ali - thanks so much for this response. So, linking panels is neither here nor there for me, I’m not sure of the terminology. All I’m wondering is this: If I have the Greek text on on half of my screen, and the word search module on the other half of my screen, and then I search a word from the Greek text….is there a way to make it do that search in the module that is already open on the other half of the screen? At this point, even if a module is already ready and waiting right there, it will invariably zoom out and open and entirely new window with an entirely new word search in it…..is there any way for that not to happen?


  • Christopher powers
    Christopher powers Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    Hey Ali - thanks so much for this response. So, linking panels is neither here nor there for me, I’m not sure of the terminology. All I’m wondering is this: If I have the Greek text on on half of my screen, and the word search module on the other half of my screen, and then I search a word from the Greek text….is there a way to make it do that search in the module that is already open on the other half of the screen? At this point, even if a module is already ready and waiting right there, it will invariably zoom out and open and entirely new window with an entirely new word search in it…..is there any way for that not to happen?


  • Christopher powers
    Christopher powers Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    Hey Ali - thanks so much for this response. So, linking panels is neither here nor there for me, I’m not sure of the terminology. All I’m wondering is this: If I have the Greek text on on half of my screen, and the word search module on the other half of my screen, and then I search a word from the Greek text….is there a way to make it do that search in the module that is already open on the other half of the screen? At this point, even if a module is already ready and waiting right there, it will invariably zoom out and open and entirely new window with an entirely new word search in it…..is there any way for that not to happen?


  • Christopher powers
    Christopher powers Member Posts: 18 ✭✭

    Hey Ali - thanks so much for this response. So, linking panels is neither here nor there for me, I’m not sure of the terminology. All I’m wondering is this: If I have the Greek text on on half of my screen, and the word search module on the other half of my screen, and then I search a word from the Greek text….is there a way to make it do that search in the module that is already open on the other half of the screen? At this point, even if a module is already ready and waiting right there, it will invariably zoom out and open and entirely new window with an entirely new word search in it…..is there any way for that not to happen?
