Sermon Editor Operations

Alex Szabo
Alex Szabo Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hello Fellow Logos Users,

Since Logos version 7, I copy and paste my sermons from WORD to LOGOS and format the sermon to its final esthetic form.

For the last three or so updates ago, i seem to have lost the ability to format blocks globally. 

if i select the entire sermon's text, and issue an indent, it fails or only does it to the last 4 or 5 lines. If i select the same (entire block) and want to make it a Heading 2, it fails.

I have enjoyed the original operation thus far, but the present version fails to deliver these fundamental operations and causes a whole lot of work for me because i have to do the task in smaller increments.  

Is anyone there in Logos-land able to offer any solutions to this present dilemma? If this is previously addressed, then please direct me to that point.

My best regards,

Alex Szabo

