Sermon Editor Operations

Hello Fellow Logos Users,
Since Logos version 7, I copy and paste my sermons from WORD to LOGOS and format the sermon to its final esthetic form.
For the last three or so updates ago, i seem to have lost the ability to format blocks globally.
if i select the entire sermon's text, and issue an indent, it fails or only does it to the last 4 or 5 lines. If i select the same (entire block) and want to make it a Heading 2, it fails.
I have enjoyed the original operation thus far, but the present version fails to deliver these fundamental operations and causes a whole lot of work for me because i have to do the task in smaller increments.
Is anyone there in Logos-land able to offer any solutions to this present dilemma? If this is previously addressed, then please direct me to that point.
My best regards,
Alex Szabo
Hi Alex
Which version are you running?
It looks as though 23.2 - released yesterday - should address some / all of the issues you are describing
It is announced here
Does this help at all?
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Hello Graham,
subsequent to my posting, my system was updated to the version you indicated.
i am glad to report that full functionality is restored to the sermon editor.
thank you for taking the time to write me.
best regards,