Resource Bugs: Lexham Discourse Hebrew Bible: Glossary & Hebrew Discourse Pop-ups

Replicated thread issue => BUG: Some Hebrew Discourse visual filter hover-over pop-ups are BLANK using Logos 24.0.14 on macOS Monterey 12.6.3
Resource "The Lexham Discourse Hebrew Bible: Glossary"
is lacking LDHB datatype in Context Menu while having Topic & Reference:
Searching for LDHB:"Point (Clause Level)" OR LDHB:"Point (Paragraph Level)" OR LDHB:"Counter Point (Clause Level)" OR LDHB:"Forward-pointing Reference" OR LDHB:"Forward-pointing Target" OR LDHB:Meta-comment OR LDHB:Attention-getter OR LDHB:"Redundant Quotative Frame" finds nothing in resource "The Lexham Discourse Hebrew Bible: Glossary" while does find my personal book glossary => Suggestion: Discourse Greek NT more customizable
Screen shot shows a work around for pop-up being blank as reported in thread => BUG: Some Hebrew Discourse visual filter hover-over pop-ups are BLANK Right Click on a Discourse indicator in The Lexham Hebrew Discourse Bible
Left Hand Side selection of LDHB item has Lookup in Right Hand Side, whose hover shows missing pop-up text plus more.
Related Bug appears in the Lexham Hebrew Bible with Discourse Features for Hebrew turned on. Right Click on a Discourse Indicator lacks LDHB selection in Context Menu:
Keep Smiling
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Kiyah said:
Thanks for creating a new thread!
I found that clicking on the tick and x symbols in the text of Ex 1.17 (with the Hebrew Discourse VF) will open "LDHB Glossary" to the definition.
===Windows 11 & Android 13