Search Help: Proper Nouns in Parables

I think that most people know that Lazarus is the only proper name in any of Jesus's parables (which has led some people to believe it is not a parable). But parables are a form in both Greek and Hebrew literature before the time of Jesus, and I am wondering if and when proper names were used outside of the Bible. The only OT example I can find of a parable with proper names is Ezekiel 23. Does anyone have any ideas?
Using Logos as a pastor, seminary professor, and Tyndale author
Well, that's annoying ... I thought literaryTyping:Parable AND louwNida:93.1-93.388 would be a good starting point but it picks up the speaker of the parable not just the parable itself. A great example of why I hate verses as a unit of text rather than merely a place marker in text. Now I'm going to have to really think hard about it.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Not very exact, but maybe a approximation: Bible search: literaryTyping:Parable AND (morph.h:NP NOT person:God)
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MJ. Smith said:
Well, that's annoying ... I thought literaryTyping:Parable AND louwNida:93.1-93.388 would be a good starting point but it picks up the speaker of the parable not just the parable itself.
Bible Search louwNida:93.1-93.388 IN literaryTyping:Parable highlights Name while Bible Search louwNida:93.1-93.388 AND literaryTyping:Parable highlights Parable typing:
Martin Wetzel said:Not very exact, but maybe a approximation: Bible search: literaryTyping:Parable AND (morph.h:NP NOT person:God)
Bible Search ((morph.h:NP NOT person:God) OR louwNida:93.1-93.388) IN literaryTyping:Parable highlights Names:
Keep Smiling [:)]
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MJ. Smith said:
I thought literaryTyping:Parable AND louwNida:93.1-93.388 would be a good starting point but it picks up the speaker of the parable not just the parable itself. A great example of why I hate verses as a unit of text
The alternative label:parable also suffers from verse alignment, so one has to remove mention of Jesus e.g.
(louwNida:93.1-93.388 NOT EQUALS person:Jesus) IN parable:speaker:person:Jesus
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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For OT results: if you first run a search: literaryTyping:Parable , then build a Passage List from the 229 Results and then run a syntax search against this Passage List with
you get 86 highlightes Names als Results
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Justin Gatlin said:
I think that most people know that Lazarus is the only proper name in any of Jesus's parables (which has led some people to believe it is not a parable).
The passage in Lk16 also speaks of Abraham (Abraham's bosom) ... thus Lazarus is actually not the only proper name in this parable.
A parable is a figure of speech in form of an extended comparison (a story which usually emphasizes one particular point), and it is irrelevant whether the story designates a person by means of a proper name or uses a more general designation (e.g. "a sower"... "a judge", etc.). Just as no one would regard the story about the sower and the seed to be a literal report about a farmer sowing seed, but recognizes it to be a parable to emphasize a different point, so no one should regard the story about Lazarus and Abraham as a literal report of events, but recognize it to be another parable.
Wolfgang Schneider