BUG: Selection Glitch in Android (24.0.0)

Robert Kelbe
Robert Kelbe Member Posts: 631 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum


First off, I rarely use Logos anymore on Android because it is so much more difficult to read, select, and highlight than in iOS. I actually had to buy an iPhone to get a usable Logos experience, even though I miss everything else about Android. In order to return to using Android, I would need:

  • The ability to select text and then scroll without losing the selection to be able to select larger portions of text that run off the screen.
  • Custom highlights to be displayed correctly in the selection menu.

However, sometimes my iPhone is charging and I take my old Android phone to bed and try to read and highlight on my Android phone.


I noticed in the last few weeks that selection has become impossible. I press, hold, and drag to start selecting text. At first it seems like it is responsive. However, it is only responsive as I am expanding the selection by moving right/down. If I try to move left/up to select less, it doesn't update the selection unless I go way to the beginning and then start moving right/down again.

