Intersects not working as expected... help? (SOLVED)

speaker:person:Paul INTERSECTS resurrection
no results...
The search widget that prompts this sort of search says that it is meant to find a topic intersecting a person. (i.e. person is talking about topic).
I'm fairly confident Paul talks about the resurrection a few times (/s) - can anyone help me better understand how intersect works if this is constructed improperly?
EDIT. Just to double check I actually filled in the intersect widget's default example.
speaker:person:Jesus INTERSECTS money
... and still no results.
Is there something not set properly in my logos? Everything is properly indexed. Other searches work fine on any resource.
I don't understand why intersect gives no results.
SOLVED: Thanks for the replies. Combination of not paying attention to the resource being searched and how I was constructing the search.
EDIT: Welcome to the user forums! /EDIT
Paul Graham said:speaker:person:Jesus INTERSECTS money
... and still no results.
Is there something not set properly in my logos? Everything is properly indexed. Other searches work fine on any resource.It may be the bible against which you run the search: in the NIV 2011 I get 9 results, in the LEB I get 11 - but both are tagged with speaker labels. Moreover, the part after INTERSECTS will require the use of the word "money" in the bible text (not: gold, silver, riches or any of the coins that are used with widely varying translations). Using speaker:person:Jesus INTERSECTS sense:money will give me 51 hits in LEB
speaker:person:Paul INTERSECTS resurrection give me 4 hits in LEB and 3 in NIV - noting again that it's the word "resurrection" that the search looks for (typing it in, Logos suggests preachingTheme:resurrection, which will get more hits, EDIT: but seemingly the same passages /EDIT).
What bible are you using - care to attach a screenshot?
Note that this will find occasions in narrative sections from Acts where direct speech is reported - not sections in letters where Paul writes about the resurrection.
Have joy in the Lord!
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INTERSECT has a very specific use. A word must be tagged with both parts of the search. If you right-click on "resurrection" in Romans 1:4 (see the image below) you'll see that it is tagged with both resurrection and Jesus.
Searching for person:Jesus INTERSECTS sense:resurrection will only return this verse. You'll get much better results using AND instead of INTERSECTS.
And if you want every place Paul writes about the resurrection, you'll have to limit the search area to Pauline epistles to get any meaningful results. Logos allows speaker:Paul and person:Paul but not writer:Paul.
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Ah yeah, figured it was human error.
I was not paying attention to what resources I was running the search against.
Still getting used to this new interface.
Thanks for the detailed explanation, and I see also that how I structured the search was not exactly what I was looking for. Good pointers!
Thanks again.0