Logos 10 BUG - Long footnotes remain cut

Hello. In my Logos 10 every time I open a long footnote in any book, that footnote doesn't display fully. The footnote box doesn't open itself enough to show up the last part of that footnote. The exact problem, however, seems to be that the side bar inside the footnot box doesn't show up and one cannot scroll down the text. Please take notice
Marco Ceccarelli said:
Hello. In my Logos 10 every time I open a long footnote in any book, that footnote doesn't display fully. The footnote box doesn't open itself enough to show up the last part of that footnote. Please take notice
I see the same bug - for example in fn 1 of this: https://ref.ly/logosres/mrysbdlyssmptn?ref=Page.p+1&off=215&ctx=to+the+reality+that+~Mary%2c+the+mother+of+
note there's no scrollbar. I'm running Verbum 10 at 100% Content Scaling and 150% Program Scaling for that screenshot, but switching to 100% P.S. doesn't make it much better:
OS scaling is the recommended 125% for my 15.6'' laptop screen (1920x1080 recommended resolution) - when I move Verbum over to my 24'' monitor with 100% OS scaling and 100% Program scaling in Verbum, this doesn't fix the issue:
Have joy in the Lord!
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Thank you Mick. In any case the absence of side bar inside the footnote box must be solved. Hope someone takes notice
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Marco Ceccarelli said:
Hope someone takes notice
Can you edit your original post up there and preface the thread title with "BUG: "? This increases the chance.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Same problem here. changing the size of the display font allows more content in the space of the note, but for long notes this is not enough, the solution is to bring back the scroll bar.
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Bring back the footnote scroll bar!
I noticed this flaw in Logos 10 immediately upon my first use.I reported it off-forum since no one took notice on this forum when I reported that Logos 10 no longer reports reading progress by a numerical % number but only by the green progress circle.
I use these two (now missing in Logos 10) features every day as I actually read my Logos books.
Thank you to everyone who is reporting this truncated footnote problem. It needs to be addressed and corrected immediately. It makes no sense to lose valuable and necessary features upon the introduction of a new edition of Logos!0 -
I look at Avery footnote I come across.
I read the long ones for important additional content.
I would greatly appreciate the scroll bar there + ready to roll.
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This is quite a bug. I look forward to it being fixed.
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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Does anyone from Logos or Faithlife actually read the reports of this serious BUG in Logos 10?
Someone from Logos with the authority to submit a "ticket" about this issue needs to report to us that this problem is being addressed!0 -
Jerome Smith said:
Does anyone from Logos or Faithlife actually read the reports of this serious BUG in Logos 10?
Someone from Logos with the authority to submit a "ticket" about this issue needs to report to us that this problem is being addressed!I opened a bug report in the Beta forum, pointing to here in the hope of getting an "official" response this way.
Have joy in the Lord!
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I'm having the same issue. Just commenting to make sure this thread stays active so that someone from Faithlife will see and respond.
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Thank you, NB.Mick, for calling further attention to this truncated footnote/missing scroll bar BUG in Logos 10.
I have not yet seen any response from Logos/Faithlife indicating acknowledgement of the problem or intention to correct it.
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If it's like a host of other issues customers are reporting, the footnote scroll bar is a feature that was deliberately not included in L10...however, it may be added back if there is sufficient user interest (in the program working).
ASUS ProArt x570s Creator, AMD R9 5950x, HyperX 64gb 3600 RAM, ASUS Strix RTX 2080 ti
"The Unbelievable Work...believe it or not." Little children...Biblical prophecy is not Christianity's friend.
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This particular bug seems rather urgent, especially if you're doing research on a deadline. Perhaps a service release is required. I'm surprised that no one from Faithlife has responded.
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Kiyah said:
I'm surprised that no one from Faithlife has responded.
Things that make me less surprised than I would have been otherwise: it was originally reported on a Saturday, the thread title doesn't start with BUG:, and most FL staff don't normally work weekends.
“The trouble is that everyone talks about reforming others and no one thinks about reforming himself.” St. Peter of Alcántara
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I continue to experience this MAJOR BUG every time I use Logos 10!
Long footnotes do not fully display but are cut off, both in older books and brand-new ones.
I notice Kyle has responded to some problems here in this forum, but I have seen no response yet to this thread by anyone from Faithlife/Logos.0 -
Any plans to fix this yet?
Please [:D]
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The problem is fixed already!
The secret solution is to scroll the footnote number to the top of the screen then click on it, and the full footnote will be displayed. You may need to scroll down within the footnote display to reach the end of it.0 -
Surely that can't be the fix! Or was that sarcasm?
Yes, it is a bit of a workaround, but the problem remains. It doesn't work when you are in reading view or have your view set up in columns.
It really does need more attention!
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Jerome Smith said:
The problem is fixed already!
No it's not. FL announced having fixed it, but they only managed to bring back the scrollbar into the footnotes (which sometimes helps a bit), but not to calculate the scrolling correctly. In fact, as per my understanding FL acknowledged this in another thread and hasn't updated the situation since then.
Jerome Smith said:scroll the footnote number to the top of the screen then click on it, and the full footnote will be displayed. You may need to scroll down within the footnote display to reach the end of it.
this may work for some, not overly long footnotes on a large (or more correctly: high) monitor. It's not a real fix because the scrolling is wrong as it doesn't reach to the bottom of the text (it's a not overly complicated calculation based on text length and size and the height of the popup window which seemingly is broken somewhere). See my standard example, FN1 from here: https://ref.ly/logosres/mrysbdlyssmptn?ref=Page.p+1&off=296&ctx=ven+after+her+death.~1+According+to+Catho I'm using your trick on a 15.6'' laptop monitor under Logos 25.0 Beta 3:
that footnote in my example is now missing half a line - the scrolling for this one works when I float the panel to my larger second monitor and use your trick to position the footnote marker at the top of the screen. But this is not a solution, it just gives more display space to the popup. When the vertical height of the popup is smaller (i.e. clicking the footnote in mid-reading without repositioning), scrolling to the bottom will break the text further up, after "anciennes" - this is not a rounding error. Also the lower end of the scroll bar, where the arrow should be, is not displayed. This is still a real bug.
Have joy in the Lord!