Notes Tool: Anchoring Text Limitation? In-Line Westminster Confession of Faith

Wesley W. Weber Jr.
Wesley W. Weber Jr. Member Posts: 61 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Logos Community,

I have been adding the Westminster Confession of Faith to the Notes Tool manually, assigning the notes to a notebook called "WCF In-Line Notes," and anchoring each note to the WCF proof texts (I am using the OPC Proof Texts). Each note also has been assigned an icon (a green star).

I did this so that, as I am simply reading the Bible, the icon would be present by the verses that I've anchored. Simply hovering over the icon shows exactly where in the WCF the verse has been referenced.

HOWEVER, yesterday, as I was finishing adding WCF chapter 4... the green star icons stopped showing up beside my anchored verses . I am assuming that Logos 10 must limit the number of times we can anchor our notes to Scripture using an icon. I am not sure.

Please the attached image, it explains what I was trying to do.  Again, this was working great until the green star icons stopped showing up in the verses that I've anchored... so I don't know how to finish the rest of the WCF.



  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,021

    Wes Weber said:

    HOWEVER, yesterday, as I was finishing adding WCF chapter 4... the green star icons stopped showing up beside my anchored verses

    Can you show an example where there is no Note icon for the verse anchor.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Wesley W. Weber Jr.
    Wesley W. Weber Jr. Member Posts: 61 ✭✭

    Yes, please see attached image.

    The Green star icon, which you can see is part of the note, is not appearing in the Bibles. This happens in all Bible resources, not just ESV.

    Also: This is the 96th note in this notebook, and most of the notes have multiple biblical texts anchored to the verses in this way - this is the first time the green icon stopped appearing.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,021

    You will find that a note on a range like Gen 1:28-30 will only produce one icon, even when you subsequently anchor Gen 1:29. You will need to anchor each verse to see individual icons in a range.

    EDIT: There is an implementation restriction even if the range is implied by separate consecutive verses.  A verse out of the range will produce an icon e.g. for v31 if the other anchors cover v.28-29


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Wesley W. Weber Jr.
    Wesley W. Weber Jr. Member Posts: 61 ✭✭

    Thank you!  

    That is what it was. In the OPC version of Westminster, the proof texts were Gen 1:28, and then is says "See Gen 1:29-30"  I tried to anchor them separately, but they were concurrent. 

    Using Gen 1:28-30 works, and my functionality is back to normal!

    Much appreciated.