Judaism in the New Testament

Christian Alexander
Christian Alexander Member Posts: 3,008 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I am trying to find the ways how the writings of the early church emerged from communities which defined themselves in Judaic terms even as they professed faith in Christ. How can I find research based on this presupposition in Logos? I have used the following search terms. Judaism NEAR New Testament NEAR faith. 



  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,082 ✭✭✭✭

    You're generalizing again.

    Your first sentence sounds like the New Testament. Jewish writers, synogogues, use of the Jewish scriptures. Even the Jewish Diety. Sounds pretty Jewish.

    Alternatively, you could explore the Fathers, especially the late 2nd century. Or the Hebrew Gospel, and closely related (eg Ebionites). Or finally the Talmud itself, back-referencing the Christians.

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Brian Davidson
    Brian Davidson Member Posts: 823 ✭✭✭

    "within Judaism" is key scholarly lingo for this. You can search Logos.com using that phrase.

    I'm currently reading Matthew within Sectarian Judaism. That fits your criteria.

    Michael Bird and others just edited and released an open source book available online in free PDF from Mohr Siebeck called Paul within Judaism.

  • Anon
    Anon Member Posts: 514 ✭✭

    "within Judaism" is key scholarly lingo for this. You can search Logos.com using that phrase.

    I'm currently reading Matthew within Sectarian Judaism. That fits your criteria.

    Michael Bird and others just edited and released an open source book available online in free PDF from Mohr Siebeck called Paul within Judaism.

    What a surprise!  Thank you Brian for providing a link to this PDF.

    All the best.


  • David McClister
    David McClister Member Posts: 120 ✭✭

    An excellent book on this topic is 

    Skarsaune, Oskar, and Reidar Hvalvik, eds. Jewish Believers in Jesus: The Early Centuries. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson Publishers, 2007.

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,891 ✭✭✭

    In studying the New Testament, I find there is a lot of information about the fact the apostles (especially Paul) wrote against Judaism per say. Follow are jus some of the quotes the bibleh has about the subject you asked about :

    Act 10:28 - Against the "law" for a Jew to go to house of one from another nation.

    Heb 8:8-13 - contrasts Judean law against law of Christ. Especially vs 13.

    Heb 10:9 - We follow law of Christ, not Judean law. - Gal 2:21.

    Col 2:14-16 - Law of Moses wiped out.

    Gal 3:10 - keep the Judean law means you are under a bondage.

    Gal 3:12-14 - Christ has redemed us from the curse of the law (Judean law). Gal 5:4.

    I know some people don't like quoting the bible, but the bible is still a resource of Logos Bible Software and is still a good truthful repository of truth.

    It is somewhat perplexing when people say "we keep the Judean law"...

    As Christians, we keep the "law of Christ" that came from Christ.

    IMHO..... [8-|]

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!