Out of Control Backspacing on Logos iOS Mobile App

Michael Ransom
Michael Ransom Member Posts: 70 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

This does not happen with every new mobile note, but it does happen frequently enough that I thought I should mention it. When I paste text into a Note on the Logos iPhone app, only a portion of the verse references are automatically hyperlinked. I usually scan through the pasted text, place the cursor to the right of a verse reference, press the space bar to make it a hyperlink, and then press the backspace to delete the extra space. ~20% of the time the backspacing continues out of control as I frantically jab at the phone screen, frequently splash my coffee, and finally close the app in a panic. An unknown amount of text is deleted by that time, so I start the process over again.

I'm using an iPhone 11 with an up to date iOS. This doesn't happen on any other iOS application such as Apple Notes or Pages. I can't blame a stuck backspace key because there is no physical keyboard involved. Interestingly, the ONLY thing that seems to cause this behavior is backspacing immediately after creating a new hyperlink.

I'm a very patient person, but I have to admit to cringing every time I hit that backspace key. Do you think there is a gremlin somewhere, or am I doing something wrong? Thanks to anyone who can shed light.


Logos 10, 2024 M2 Macbook Air, Sequoia, < == > Obsidian



  • Ali Pope
    Ali Pope Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,821

    Hi Mike. Thank you for the detailed steps. As of right now, I am unable to reproduce the out of control backspacing. When I follow your steps, the backspacing works as expected. Can you please send a screen recording of the issue? It would be helpful to see exactly what is happening. 

    Ali Pope | Logos Desktop and Mobile Program Manager

  • Michael Ransom
    Michael Ransom Member Posts: 70 ✭✭

    Thank you for looking at this Ali. I will try to capture this behavior in a screen recording and post it here.


    Logos 10, 2024 M2 Macbook Air, Sequoia, < == > Obsidian