NBV21 is coming! Logos, please offer this bible translation as soon as it comes out!

F B Folmer
F B Folmer Member Posts: 11 ✭✭

Like many people I love Logos Bible software. But one thing I really hate is that we STILL don't have the Herziene Statenvertaling accessible to us in Logos. All we have is broken promises.

Next year an update bible translation is coming, the NBV21, an update of the NBV. Logos, I kindly ask you to please get started on this.

Please contact the Nederlandse Bijbelgenootschap (Dutch Bible Society) so you can get a hold of this updated translation as soon as possible and make all the publishing deals you need to make so that when it comes out, us logos lovers can read and preach the NBV21 with your program. 

If you want to reach the Dutch Bible study market, you will need this translation. After the HSV fiasco, please make it up to us. 

Fellow Dutch speakers, let me know if you agree or disagree. Should logos have the NBV21 ready to go when it comes out?

More generally, what are your thoughts on the new NBV21?


  • JC54
    JC54 Member Posts: 311 ✭✭

    Fellow Dutch speakers, let me know if you agree or disagree. Should logos have the NBV21 ready to go when it comes out?

    To be honest. I do not use my (few) Dutch books in Logos. bijbel.nl does for Dutch translations. I am hapy with English, feel no need to mix languages. Still, I would like Logos to grow in the Netherlands, and for that, this would help.

    More generally, what are your thoughts on the new NBV21?

    My honest thought: why in the world? 333 years between SV and NBG. 54 years from NBG to NBV, and now 16 years between NBV to NBV21. And now I ignore the dozen of other translations in the meantime. Honestly, I think NBV is good enough. Replacing is more about marketing than about having a current accurate translation.

  • F B Folmer
    F B Folmer Member Posts: 11 ✭✭

    JC54 said:

    To be honest. I do not use my (few) Dutch books in Logos. bijbel.nl does for Dutch translations. I am hapy with English, feel no need to mix languages. Still, I would like Logos to grow in the Netherlands, and for that, this would help.

    There are very few books in Dutch on Logos. While I like debijbel.nl, I prefer Logos for copying (parts of) bible verses and making notes. 

    I upgraded to Logos 9 and want to start using Logos 9's sermon features, so I can create good slides with bible verses that go with my sermon. For this, current Bible translations in Logos will be indispensable.

    JC54 said:

    My honest thought: why in the world? 333 years between SV and NBG. 54 years from NBG to NBV, and now 16 years between NBV to NBV21. And now I ignore the dozen of other translations in the meantime. Honestly, I think NBV is good enough. Replacing is more about marketing than about having a current accurate translation.

    I agree that we have too many Bible translations. Though I have to say, as a theology student, I don't love the NBV. I prepare my messages from the Greek and the Hebrew, but the way the NBV translates certain passages almost seems to mask what's in the text sometimes. An example:

    I will be preaching on James 1:2-4. Now this may seem like a small matter but when in Greek it says in verse 2 "whenever" (hotan in Greek, wanneer in Dutch), the NBV translates it with "if" (als). This makes my point that Christian trials are not a matter of "if" but of "when", which is in the Greek but not in the NBV, harder to communicate to my audience. I either have to tell them their translation is wrong and they need someone like me to interpret the text for them, or I am just needlessly confusing them.

    Then, it translates the 2 coming verses with if/then clauses, even though that is not in the Greek. 

    While I understand that translation inherently forces you to interpret so as to communicate the message of the text, I often seem to be disagreeing with what the NBV saw as the message. While it is brave of them to be so daring, the NBV21 shows us that someone like me, but I believe people more broadly, seem to want a more literal rendering. I hope they can deliver this in the NBV21. 

  • HJ. van der Wal
    HJ. van der Wal Member Posts: 1,783 ✭✭✭


    Voor de toekomst van Logos in het Nederlandse taalgebied is het belangrijk om zoveel mogelijk Bijbelvertalingen beschikbaar te hebben. De HSV is weliswaar mijn voorkeursvertaling en de vertaling die ik het vaakst op zondag gebruik, maar als gastpredikant zal ik op den duur waarschijnlijk ook de NBV21 moeten gebruiken. 

    JC54 said:

    To be honest. I do not use my (few) Dutch books in Logos. bijbel.nl does for Dutch translations. I am hapy with English, feel no need to mix languages. Still, I would like Logos to grow in the Netherlands, and for that, this would help.

    Zelf werk ik in principe altijd vanuit de grondtekst zodat ik mijn Nederlandse Bijbelvertalingen ook niet zo vaak gebruik. Bij de exegese ben ik gewend om vooral Duitse woordenboeken en commentaren te gebruiken. Ik ben daarom erg blij dat het Duitstalige aanbod van Logos de laatste jaren aanzienlijk gegroeid is. Hopelijk komt er nu eindelijk eens beweging in het Nederlandstalige aanbod. 

  • Jan Jacob de Maa
    Jan Jacob de Maa Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    As of now the NBV21 is available in print 

    Yet, still no digital version on Logos. Such a shame!

    I wonder if Olivetree will be first again. They have far greater variety Dutch translations than Logos.

    What I do miss most is a Dutch translation with Strong's numbers. 

    So, please Logos, be so kind to provide these versions. 



  • Martin
    Martin Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    It is not just a matter of Logos adopting NBV21, it also depends on the conditions of the Bible society to support this.

    I would like this very much. Even when you conclude that a certain translation is not good, this is still the text that is being read in church and at home. If necessary you can comment on the translation and of course in the exegesis you can build your message from the hebrew or greek, but I am a bit reluctant to comment on the translation too much because it makes the Bible we use of less value and meaning. Also in a translation that could be better this are our holy texts, a concept which is complex enough nowadays to understand.

  • Herm-Jan Riemer
    Herm-Jan Riemer Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    Any update on NBV21? My church transitioned to this book and I would love to have it on logo's.

  • De Proost Mark
    De Proost Mark Member Posts: 1

    I also am waiting for Logos to offer the NBV21 with impatience

    It is becoming very fast the reference bible text being used in courses and in popular mass settings in Flanders. (Belgium)

    It is a pain to have to switch between logos and other faithrelated websites, to have the bible text side by side with the logos rich reference library.   A majority of the Academics that teach me are very supportive of this translation, but especially toward common religious practise, the new translateion is widely used and appreciated as being a translation that is more loyal to its source and very contemporary at the same time.

  • Thomas Reiter (Faithlife)
    Thomas Reiter (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 759
  • Luuk Dondorp
    Luuk Dondorp Member Posts: 101 ✭✭

    Wow, what an acceleration. Great news, indeed. Looking forward...

  • HJ. van der Wal
    HJ. van der Wal Member Posts: 1,783 ✭✭✭

    Cross post: https://community.logos.com/forums/p/160988/1208714.aspx#1208714 

    This new pre-pub cannot be found when searching the store for resources in Dutch.

    The product details correctly state that the language of this resource is "Dutch" but when you click the link it will search for English language resources in the Logos store.

  • Thomas Reiter (Faithlife)
    Thomas Reiter (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 759

    This new pre-pub cannot be found when searching the store for resources in Dutch.

    Fixed! It was missing the relevant language product group in the backend, but this should be good to go now - https://www.logos.com/search?sortBy=Newest&limit=30&page=1&ownership=all&geographicAvailability=availableToMe&filters=language-dutch_Language 

    Director, New Languages & Business Line Management

  • HJ. van der Wal
    HJ. van der Wal Member Posts: 1,783 ✭✭✭

    Fixed! It was missing the relevant language product group in the backend, but this should be good to go now 

    Bedankt! / Vielen Dank!

  • Jan Jacob de Maa
    Jan Jacob de Maa Member Posts: 5 ✭✭


    Is there any indication as to when the NBV21 will be available?

    Seems like the status 'in production' is on for quite some time now.


    Jan Jacob

  • Eman Nagib (Faithlife)
    Eman Nagib (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4

    We are waiting for additional materials to finish producing this title. We will post an update here once the title has been produced. Thank you for your patience!

  • HJ. van der Wal
    HJ. van der Wal Member Posts: 1,783 ✭✭✭

    Shalom Eman!

    Thank you for taking time to answer the question of Jan Jacob (and many other Dutch customers).

    BTW, welcome to the forums!!

  • Luuk Dondorp
    Luuk Dondorp Member Posts: 101 ✭✭

    Shalom Eman!

    Thank you for taking time to answer the question of Jan Jacob (and many other Dutch customers).

    BTW, welcome to the forums!!

    Yes, indeed thank you!

  • DS
    DS Member Posts: 51 ✭✭

    Wat voor mij heeft gewerkt: schaf de EPUB-versie aan via, bijvoorbeeld, bol.com

    Gebruik een programma als Calibre om de EPUB om te zetten naar DOCX

    Importeer de DOCX als 'Personal Book' in Logos.

    De inhoudsopgave werkt redelijk en je kunt in ieder geval de meest recente vertaling lezen binnen je werkruimte in Logos. Ideaal is het niet uiteraard. We hopen dat NBG/Logos gauw met een officiële uitgave komen.


  • Jan Jacob de Maa
    Jan Jacob de Maa Member Posts: 5 ✭✭

    Hi Eman,

    I inquired the Dutch Bible Society, publisher of the NBV2021. 
    They said that Logos informed them that they 'just had to wait' till Logos' production is finished. 

    What is it that you need? From what I know, the Dutch Bible Society is not aware they need to supply additional materials. 

    Just trying to find out who's waiting for whom?

    Kind regards,


  • Eman Nagib (Faithlife)
    Eman Nagib (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4

    Thank you for your inquiry. We have obtained all the necessary materials for the NBV2021. However, we encountered some unexpected issues during the production of the file. Rest assured, our team has a fix that they are actively working on to resolve the issues. We appreciate your patience and understanding while we work towards providing you with the completed product.

  • Eman Nagib (Faithlife)
    Eman Nagib (Faithlife) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 4

    We hope this message finds you well and excited as we are! We are delighted to inform you that the highly-anticipated Bible translation you've been waiting for, "De Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling 2021" will be made available on August 11, 2023.

    You can pre-order it now at a discounted price here! Thank you for your patience as our team worked on producing this resource. We appreciate your continuous support and look forward to providing you with more enriching content in the future!

  • Luuk Dondorp
    Luuk Dondorp Member Posts: 101 ✭✭

    Great news Eman. Thank you for chiming in to give us an update. Looking forward to August 11th. 

  • HJ. van der Wal
    HJ. van der Wal Member Posts: 1,783 ✭✭✭
  • Willem J. de Wit
    Willem J. de Wit Member Posts: 20 ✭✭

    Great that NBV21 is now available.
    In general, the Logos edition seems to be well-done. Two comments:
    1. The original superscriptions of the Psalms (numbered as verse 1 in Dutch Bibles) have been handled incorrectly, as if they were headings added by the translators. I hope this can still be corrected.
    2. I'm wondering whether the copyright page is correct, as it says that the text is copyright 2004/2007, while this is the considerably revised text of 2021.

    I was glad to see that in the table of contents of NBV21 the titles of the books of the Bible are not too long. This is an issue in the Logos edition of the Herziene Statenvertaling (HSV): because the titles of, e.g., the epistles start with the long phrase "De brief van de apostel Paulus aan ..." (The Epistle of the Apostle Paul to ...), the name of the church to which the epistle is addressed (Galatians, Ephesians, etc.) becomes invisible in the table of contents on my mobile. 

    I'm also glad to see that NBV21 does not contain unnecessary space in front of lines of poetry, as the Logos edition of HSV unfortunately has (with the result that poetic lines of the HSV are often divided over two lines on a mobile screen or in multiple book display).

  • Willem J. de Wit
    Willem J. de Wit Member Posts: 20 ✭✭

    One more comment about NBV21: why is the word "HEER" (LORD) underlined?  

  • Luuk Dondorp
    Luuk Dondorp Member Posts: 101 ✭✭

    Indeed, that's weird. Annoying. This must be a glitch and have to be corrected. 


  • DS
    DS Member Posts: 51 ✭✭

    In support of Willem I'd like to underline the weirdness of the copyright page. The ISBN-numbers all point to editions of the previous NBV. The Bible-text seems to be correct, though, so I'm not too worried.

  • Hans van den Herik
    Hans van den Herik Member Posts: 345 ✭✭

    Thanks for the publication of NBV21.

    Two more things.

    1. typing NBV in the search box is now ambiguous. NBV can refer to NBV2004 and NBV21. Please make the Standard abbreviaties NBV21.

    2. Display with footnotes is now weird, compared to NBV2004


  • DS
    DS Member Posts: 51 ✭✭

    Ah update today, some things fixed (titles in psalms, and 'HEER' is now without underline). Good stuff. The footnotes and front-matter-credits, though, are still botched.

    Progress nevertheless, though please don't close the ticket yet, Logos!