BUG: Psalms Explorer Breaks when linked to bible

Morgan Member Posts: 494 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Running 27.2 on Windows 11

Running on it's own, Psalms explorer works fine. If you link it to a bible you cannot change the translation nor can you change the reference from the Psalms Explorer. Even after unlinking it stays broken and cannot be changed.



  • JBR
    JBR Member Posts: 211 ✭✭

    I'm not experiencing anything (completely) broken in what I've tried. That includes changing the translation and the particular Psalm selection. Now I will grant that there are some exceptions to what I just stated.

    1. In one case after I set up the linkset I changed the translation from NASB 95 to CSB and I had a problem in trying to change it back to NASB 95 even after removing the linkset association. I was, however, able to change the Psalm selection both when the linkset was in place and after it had been removed. Then I closed Psalms Explorer and went through the steps again this time changing the translation first to NET then back to NASB 95 and then to LEB and then to CSB and back to NASB 95 without a problem. So it seems there may be a case with not always being able to change the translation but it depends on something that I haven't identified and so it's not consistently a problem.
    2. Even when I could not change the translation from CSB in the one instance I was still able to change the Psalm selection and make other selections with the tool.
    3. The one thing that I have seen most consistently with the linkset in place is in selecting Psalm 10 in the Psalms Explorer it will go to that Psalm in the tool but will go to Psalm 1 in the Bible that is linked. I haven't seen a problem with selecting any other Psalm at this point, but I haven't tried to be exhaustive by any means in looking for other instances either.

    I'm assuming that this means that more specific details and maybe logs will be necessary to identify the source if the problem.

    EDIT: I meant to add that I'm on Logos 10 version 27.2.21 and on Windows 11.

    For God and For Neighbor

  • Morgan
    Morgan Member Posts: 494 ✭✭✭

    The problem seems to be happening after the Psalms Explorer follows the linked bible to another reference. If you start in Psalm 1 everything works, but when you scroll down to Psalm 2 in your bible and the explorer changes references it stops working.

  • JBR
    JBR Member Posts: 211 ✭✭

    I've played around with it some more and I am able to replicate some consistent behaviors. I'm going to represent what I have seen as a "partial broke" rather than a "full broke." I'm calling it a "partial broke" because I am still able to navigate to new Psalms using the Psalms Explorer, although not by every means. Perhaps if you could detail specific steps that you are taking we would be able do see if we are experiencing the same behavior or only something similar.

    1. Open Psalms Explorer (PE)
    2. Open preferred Bible (note: both of mine opened to Psalm100 since that is where they were when closed; both are using my preferred Bible - not sure if that is always the case for PE or if that was just the last selected translation)
    3. Change the Bible translation for PE and notice that the text changes
    4. Set the linkset to A for both (preferred Bible first, then PE)
    5. In the reference box of PE enter a new Psalm and see that both go to the selected Psalm
    6. Click Overview and then In Order in PE and select a new Psalm and see that both go to the selected Psalm
    7. Enter a new Psalm in the reference box of the preferred Bible and see that both go to the selected Psalm
    8. Repeat step 5 and notice that no update is evident
    9. Repeat step 7 and notice that both go to the selected Psalm
    10. Attempt go repeat step 6 and notice that there is no response
    11. In PE select the double arrow symbol and see the facets pane open
    12. From there select back, then close the facets pane, and then select a new Psalm from the list and see both go to the selected Psalm
    13. At this point attempts to change the translation in PE and attempts to use steps 5 or 6 will be unsuccessful
    14. Attempts to use step 7 or the combination of steps 11 and 12 will be successful

    For God and For Neighbor

  • Andrew Batishko
    Andrew Batishko Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 5,451

    Thanks for the report. I can recreate this bug and I've created a case to fix the issue.

    Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer