bookmarking a page
How do I bookmark a page in Logos? I remember once before that the last-read position of a book you are reading should appear the next time you open that book. I want to get a bookmark so I know where I am in my print books as well.
Click the tools icon and select "Favorites." that will open a Favorites window. In that window in the Quick links folder are 9 bookmarks that you can assign and reassign to any of your books.
MacBook Pro (Retina, 16-inch, 2019 2.3 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9
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Jac Colon said:
Click the tools icon and select "Favorites." that will open a Favorites window. In that window in the Quick links folder are 9 bookmarks that you can assign and reassign to any of your books.
Or simply drag the resource tab into Favorites - you can use folders if you have different categories for reading. It is advisable to rename the link to something more memorable!
You will have to delete the previous Favorite
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