Leroy F. Froom: Prophetic Faith of our Fathers

Mission: To serve God as He desires.
Francis D. Nichol: The Midnight Cry
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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I hope we can get Froom into Logos; in fact I consider it essential for us to have his classics in Logos SDA.
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Martin what about "The Midnight Cry"? I think the copyright is out of date.
Mission: To serve God as He desires.
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Indeed! It's now added to my list.
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I would love to see these two books in Logos as well!
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That would be wonderful, yes!Martin Weber said:I hope we can get Froom into Logos; in fact I consider it essential for us to have his classics in Logos SDA.
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Hi Martin,
Is the "Coming of the Comforter" on the list of Froom books to investigate?
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I have a fully formatted Personal Books Copy of "The Midnight Cry" by F. D. Nichol which I will post to the Seventh-day Adventists Documents Page. The Personal books are searchable also. I got the original from the Adventist Archives web page in the PDF format. There should be no problem with copyright infringement since it is public domain and the PDF is free. Page Numbers and references are maintained.
Enjoy and God Bless.
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Will anyone create a personal book from Froom? Does anyone have a fully formatted word docx of Froom?
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Any chance you have a copy of "The Coming of the Comforter"? The "Midnight Cry" came out pretty good.
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The problem with "Prophetic Faith" and "Conditionalist'" are that although they exist in pdf on the GC sites, the pdfs were created directly from a scan which is far from perfect. It is really just a compressed library of pictures of the pages containing very small type. Trying to create a digital format from these loses most of the footnotes and has problems with the normal text. Although better digitizing programs than Nuance Omnipage might produce better results I suspect that a professional scanner would be needed to do a complete re-scan.
I had high hopes for these as an extensive project when I found the pdf files but my test runs were discouraging. [:'(]0 -
Linden said:
Any chance you have a copy of "The Coming of the Comforter"? The "Midnight Cry" came out pretty good.
Hi, I didn't but after reading your post I had a sudden thought. Please check my post on https://faithlife.com/seventh-day-adventist/activity as I have suddenly remembered that this is the place for discussing Logos books and not PBB books (only PBB techniques).
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Sorry, I don't have a copy of that Book yet. Check Documents tab in Seventh-day Adventist Page in FaithLife.
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Are you using OmniPage to scan books? I have that as well, but I use Nuance PDF Converter 8 Pro to convert PDFs to Word files. It is less than $100 and is the best that I have found yet. I also have a Epson page feeder scanner that is good as well, but I find that most books have already been scanned in to PDF Text format, (not image format), and can be converted from a PDF file faster than scanning, but there is some editing to get it perfect.
The easiest way to convert books is from a .mobi file to htmlz, (which is a zipped html file). Calibre Reader program has the converters in it. HTML files can be "Select All" copied and pasted into MS Word with most of the formating already done, just apply the headings and your done.
I uploaded a document "Converting Kindle Books (mobi) to Word" a few (8) months ago to the Seventh-day Adventist - FaithLife, Documents Tab, about how to do this. You can even copy DRM protected books into Word, and then into Logos with the Calibre program and the DRM remover. (Disclaimer) Just remember that you cannot give out Copyrighted books to others that have not bought them, but you can have then for your own use in Logos, I have several.
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Yes I use OmniPage and PDF Converter 8 Pro as well!
Also Calibre. Occasionally I come across Kindle files that Calibre can't crack. To be precise I have come across two files, both by the same author.
However I have a cheap HP flat bed scanner which doubles as a photocopier. The ability to scan clean copies seems to be governed by several factors. In particular, the printed type face size and the sharpness of the printing. Old books tend to have less sharp type faces but still scan and OCR well but need a larger typeface to do so. The Froom is very clear but the footnotes are very small. I guess that we will be waiting for Logos to take it on.
Copywrite is a bit of a pain as each country is different. At least it is fairly simple in the UK, 70 years after the death of the author.0 -
These books are available through the EGW App. Look under pioneer authors.