Logos file structure/management inefficient?

James Thompson
James Thompson Member Posts: 3
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Ok, this not exactly a complaint as much as it is an attempt to verify an observation. It seems that Logo’s file structure is very inefficient or at the very least very messy as it manages its files. I generally have between 11GB – 12GB of free disk space on my computer. But on occasion I’ll get a notice that the reindexing function has terminated because I don’t have enough free disk space. The notice will typically suggest that I need at least 1GB of free disk space. When I check the properties of my drive the free space is down to 1.2GB – 2GB of free space, which is sorta confusing because the notice says that if I have at least 1GB of free space I’m good.  

At this point I go through my system cleaning/removing all temp files and folders and generally recover 2GB - 3GB of free disk space. Then I shut down and restart Logos. The reindex function then starts and completes its cycle. When I later check the properties of my drive I’m back up to my normal 11GB – 12GB of free disk space.

So it seems, as I’ve suggested, that Logo’s file structure or file management is very inefficient or at the very least very messy as it manages its files. What is the system doing that it chews up at least 10GB of disk space during its normal operation? Anybody else notice something like this?


James Thompson

Surface Laptop

Core i5, 8GB Ram, 117GB Disk



  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 14,161 ✭✭✭✭

    Your observation is not unusual: search 'site:community.logos.com percent free space disk'

    The best discussion: https://community.logos.com/forums/t/212062.aspx and Dave Hooton's comments.

    "If myth is ideology in narrative form, then scholarship is myth with footnotes." B. Lincolm 1999.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,093

    Hi James - and welcome to the forums

    In addition to the link DMB provided, the system requirements article - https://support.logos.com/hc/en-us/articles/360007506971-Logos-Minimum-System-Requirements - call for at least 30GB of free disk space.

  • Michael Wert
    Michael Wert Member Posts: 75 ✭✭

    Recommended Hardware 

    I would think most do not have this


    I had the minimum for years and it was satisfactory but upgrading to the SSD was the biggest improvement for me.

  • Michael Wert
    Michael Wert Member Posts: 75 ✭✭

    Recommended Hardware 

    I would think most do not have this


    I had the minimum for years and it was satisfactory but upgrading to the SSD was the biggest improvement for me.

  • Veli Voipio
    Veli Voipio MVP Posts: 2,061

    I have the same problem in my laptop. The root problem is the that the laptops are sold with too little SSD space: in mine it is 256 GB. Cleaning the disk and removing temporary files is not easy.

    For me it looks like that there is e.g. 15 GB free space when Logos starts downloading new books. At some point Logos starts indexing. Around the same time the Windows 11 starts indexing. And the security software starts washing. All that eats the 11 GB very quickly.

    I would suggest that Logos automatically stops indexing when the SSD space is low, waits for 4 hours, and then continues. My guess that it is relatively easy to software programmers and causes only few new bugs.

    Gold package, and original language material and ancient text material, SIL and UBS books, discourse Hebrew OT and Greek NT. PC with Windows 11

  • John
    John Member Posts: 704 ✭✭✭

    The notice will typically suggest that I need at least 1GB of free disk space.

    I see that other members have already pointed you to Logos specific threads on the topic.

    I would like to speak to a more general issue, and that is SSD performance.

    SSD's lose both performance and lifespan as they become full. This is because the process to erase a block and free its available storage space does not happen instantly. Disk intensive operations (which Logos indexing certainly is) can easily run you out of free block space if you are already close to the limit.

    I would completely ignore the Logos minimum System Requirements, because they should be thought of as exactly that ... an absolute minimum.

    SSD's require lots of EXTRA free space so that every time they are written too, there is a free block available. This requirement is called OVER-PROVISIONING.

    Opinions and recommendations vary, but I would set a minimum of 20% free space on your SSD drive. Most SSD manufacturers have some built-in over-provisioning, but it is not enough.

    The numbers you give are under 10%, which is not a Logos problem, but rather a system-wide problem. I do not know if you can upgrade the SSD in a surface. If you cannot, I would next look for things you can start uninstalling.

    Windows itself has a huge amount of bloat. You can uninstall a lot of it with no bad consequences. Logos itself is very flexible ... it lets you download as many or as few resources as you need. And you can still access the others on the cloud.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,067

    It seems that Logo’s file structure is very inefficient or at the very least very messy as it manages its files. I generally have between 11GB – 12GB of free disk space on my computer.

    Please take note of John's comments on free space as you need double that at least for overall efficiency of your 117 GB disk (hopefully not a hard disk). There are strategies for cleaning Windows (Disk Cleanup + free cleaners for Temp files) and reducing the space used by Logos (explained above).

    117 GB will always mean hard work, unfortunately


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Veli Voipio
    Veli Voipio MVP Posts: 2,061

    Well, I removed Logos from my laptop. [:'(]

    The laptop is 6 years old and has a 256 GB SSD. Logos took 90 GB. Less than 1 GB was available on the disk.

    I use Logos in the laptop mostly in my log cabin in the summer. [ip]

    I like the my current laptop, but I have to buy a new one for the next summer, with 1TB SSD or more if available.

    Gold package, and original language material and ancient text material, SIL and UBS books, discourse Hebrew OT and Greek NT. PC with Windows 11