Ignatius Catholic Study Bible

Looks like folks ask about this every couple of years, so it looks like it is my turn. We are missing:
- Deuteronomy
- Joshua
- Judges and Ruth
- 1 & 2 Samuel
- 1 & 2 Kings
- Tobit, Judith, and Esther
- Psalms
- Wisdom and Sirach
- Isaiah
It looks like Ezekiel will be released on Jan 25th, 2024.
Any ETA on releasing an "Ignatius Catholic Study Bible Upgrade II"?
It’s been so long, I forgot I even had it, let alone it being incomplete.
WIN 11 i7 9750H, RTX 2060, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD | iPad Air 3
Verbum Max0 -
Also, the volume on the Minor Prophets releases tomorrow it looks like.
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Dan said:
Any ETA on releasing an "Ignatius Catholic Study Bible Upgrade II"?
I'm a big fan of this work, and would very much appreciate the new volumes in Verbum - especially those covering the Deuterocanon. However, I'm not keen to see a repeat of the situation with the New Collegeville series, where each volume was made available in Logos format in kind of a mirroring of the print fascicle releases, which culminated in a disproportionately expensive Old Testament representation. It looks like that situation was eventually fixed by bundling the 24 OT volumes into a single virtual volume, presumably after Liturgical Press licensed them to publish a UPC that included a one-volume OT. But for years, it cost more than it was worth, IMHO.
What would be really nice would be if Faithlife were able to sell a reasonably priced license for the entire OT, and then release the content in pieces as it becomes available in Logos format - much like what is done with bundling unfinished resources in base packages. I'm not sure they'd have that kind of option available to them, but it would seem ideal.
Beyond the list of new "missing" volumes above, Ignatius also released two additional volumes in 2023: 1 & 2 Macc (March 2023) and The Minor Prophets (Sept 2023). My estimate would be that there are six volumes remaining to be released:
Leviticus; Numbers; 1 & 2 Chronicles; Ezra & Nehemia; Jeremiah; Lamentations & Baruch.
These are said to have all been completed (i.e. written) many years ago, and are just awaiting final editing and/or ecclesial approval.