Metadata for Keener's Acts Commentary still not fixed after several years

John Kaess
John Kaess Member Posts: 730 ✭✭✭
edited November 20 in English Forum

I menttioned this several years ago, and it still has not been fixed. The metadata for the Acts Commentary series by Keener will NOT show up if you use the Filter selections in the Library as follows (by selecting the filters on the left. not typing into search box:

Type:Bible Commentary

Subject:Bible N.T.


The reason it does not show up is because the commentary set as a whole is not tagged as being for Acts, but instead, each volume is tagged for a section of Acts, which is absurd since the best commentary on the book of Acts does not show up when drilling down to see what commentaries you have on Acts.


  • Christian Alexander
    Christian Alexander Member Posts: 3,008 ✭✭

    This has to be fixed. 

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 35,760

    The metadata for the Acts Commentary series by Keener will NOT show up if you use the Filter selections in the Library... The reason it does not show up is because the commentary set as a whole is not tagged as being for Acts, but instead, each volume is tagged for a section of Acts

    The Book will show  e.g. for Psalms:


    • select Type > Bible Commentary
    • select Subject > Bible O.T.     (Bible N.T. in your case)
    • type Psalms in the Find box  (Acts in your case)
      • type Psalms in the top Find box to actually filter the list of Titles


    There are split metadata on many bible books e.g. Psalms:Horae Homileticae (Simeon), Psalms:Tyndale (Kidner), Psalms:NAC (Estes), Genesis (several split at 1-11). It is inconsistent, though as the whole Book is tagged in many other cases.

    The Library Filter uses a strict rule for Subjects whilst a normal collection rule like type:bible-commentary  subj:bible.o.t.-Psalms will ensure their inclusion.

    Don't forget that stand-alone single volumes could be devoted to part of a bible book, so should they be tagged with the relevant chapters or the whole book?


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • John Kaess
    John Kaess Member Posts: 730 ✭✭✭

    I think the problem is the use case for using the drop down filters in the library is different than using 'search' or passage guide or any guide looking for a specific passage. If i'm looking for a passage in a book, i do not use the library filters, i use 'search' or one of the guides. When i'm using the filters, i'm looking for a resource by a specific author, or a specific commentary series, or in this instance a list of commentaries for the book of Acts. It's a different use than you do with a collection or a guide or a search.

    It's my opinion that the filter use should find books that fit the filter, and it does not.

    I know how to search or build collections, but the library filter is not for those purposes. It's for seeing what i have in my library that fit certain criteria. I'm saying that it is not working as it should. If i filter for an author, say D.A. Carson, when i click on the author filter and his name, i expect to see every book i have where he is one of the authors or editors. It does that. When i click down to find Bible Commentaries for Acts, it does not, and it should. I'm looking to see what is in my library, i'm not searching for a Bible passage.

    I think you are saying i'm not using library filters properly, but i think i am.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 35,760

    I know how to search or build collections, but the library filter is not for those purposes. It's for seeing what i have in my library that fit certain criteria. I'm saying that it is not working as it should.

    As I said, "the Library Filter uses a strict rule for Subjects". So Acts will not include Acts 1-8 in the Subject metadata - it will only list Acts whilst Acts 1-8 is listed separately.

    A collection flter/rule, which is also a Library filter (in the top Find box), like subj:bible.n.t.-Acts will find Acts and Acts 1-8 because of its relaxed matching.

    Both filters are working as designed, and FL use the strict/exact matching because it is more efficient.

    You can use it in a collection as  {SubjectGroup "Bible O.T.--Psalms"} provided

    • The syntax is exactly as above (case and space sensitive)
    • Straight quotes are used (not usually a problem when typing from a standard keyboard)
    • You type double -- characters  (which word processors will try to combine as a single character)


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • John Kaess
    John Kaess Member Posts: 730 ✭✭✭

    You continue to tell me how to use a collection rule. I know how to do that and i also know how to do searches.

    The purpose of the Library drop down filters is not to find a resource. That is what search is for. The purpose of the Library drop down filters is to narrow the display of your entire library to show which resources in your library meet specific criteria. For most of the drop down filters, this works. It does not work when you are looking for resources in Bible Commentaries which cover a certain book of the Bible. 

    The Library drop down filters do not work for this. The fact that i can get the Keener Acts series to show up by constructing a search has nothing to do with the fact that it does not show up when using the Library drop down filters to see what resources i own which cover the book of Acts.

    You still seem to be implying that i am using the Library drop down filters in a way they are not intended to be used, but it think i am using them exactly they way they are intended to be used and they are not working properly.

  • Andrew Batishko
    Andrew Batishko Member, Administrator, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 5,395

    The Library sidebar filters are working as intended. The Subject filter is not attempting to find books with subjects that (for instance) contain "Acts". Each subject on a book is a sequence of terms separated by a "--". You can see this if you view the Library in Details mode and enable the Subjects column. When you pick the first Subject filter item, you are telling the Library to display books that have the selected text as the first term. When you pick a second you are indicating which should be the second term, and so forth.

    The problem is that the subject data typically comes from the Library of Congress subject data, which can be somewhat inconsistent in how it organizes those terms. Just use a search text of subj:Acts and check the Subjects column in Details mode to see the variations. The subject filter works well for exploring "branches" of that "subject tree", but if you really want to find the books that contain a certain term (like Acts) anywhere in the subject, then you are intended to use the mechanism provided by Dave.

    Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer

  • The Library sidebar filters are working as intended. The Subject filter is not attempting to find books with subjects that (for instance) contain "Acts".

    A Sidebar Filter improvement idea would be an arrow beside Acts that can be clicked to show variations. Library filtering starting with Author:Keener can have Acts variations appear in Library sidebar.

    Top Library filtering started with Sidebar filters followed by author:keener (replicate original post description). Without author:keener filter, sidebar filtering found 177 results in my Logos library.

    Second Libary filter Type:Commentary Subj:Acts Author:Keener found three Bible Commentaries.

    Third, Fourth, & Fifth Library filtering started with Author:Keener followed by sidebar filtering.

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Andrew Batishko
    Andrew Batishko Member, Administrator, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 5,395

    " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    A Sidebar Filter improvement idea would be an arrow beside Acts that can be clicked to show variations. Library filtering starting with Author:Keener can have Acts variations appear in Library sidebar.

    Something like clicking the search icon to the right of the Filter label?



    Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer

  • " rel="nofollow">Keep Smiling 4 Jesus :) said:

    A Sidebar Filter improvement idea would be an arrow beside Acts that can be clicked to show variations. Library filtering starting with Author:Keener can have Acts variations appear in Library sidebar.

    Something like clicking the search icon to the right of the Filter label?

    Yes while like idea of expandable Acts showing variants (in addition to search icon).

    My Library sidebar for Subject needs More >> to be clicked to show Acts, which also shows two variants lower:

    Sidebar search for Acts shows number for each variants, albeit without an overall results total.

    Filter Subj:Acts shows result total (for all subject variants of Acts).

    Keep Smiling [:)]

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 35,760


    You still seem to be implying that i am using the Library drop down filters in a way they are not intended to be used

    My first response was to show you how to use the Library drop-down Filter to find Psalms and other books tagged for sections of Psalms (which you can apply to any book of the bible). The extra step was to type Psalms in the Filter box (after clicking the magnifying glass/Search icon) as that will show all the entries for Psalms under the Subject heading.
     Finding all entries for a boo of the bible
    That is the way it works when volumes are tagged for sections of a bible book. You can disagree with the tagging, and we know that it is not consistent. So you can try (again!) with a thread titled e.g. Metadata Problem: Book of Acts not tagged xxxxxxx to see  FL's response.


    Windows 11 & Android 13