Verse popup showing one verse only

Hi. I've noticed a change in the behavior of the Android app for the last month or so. This is the issue:
1) Tap in any bible reference (e.g. Lk 18:35-43).
2) It should open a popup with those verses. But it only shows the first one (e.g. Lk 18:35).
Here's an screenshot:
Previously it used to show the whole range.
Is this a bug? Can we have the previous behavior back? Thank you.
Aristocles said:
1) Tap in any bible reference (e.g. Lk 18:35-43).
2) It should open a popup with those verses. But it only shows the first one (e.g. Lk 18:35).
I'm not seeing this on my Android phone - running Logos 29.0.2
I wonder if it's anything to do with a non-English UI
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I've changed the UI language to English and unfortunately the result is the same. This is Verbum 29.0.2 on Android 13, Samsung Galaxy a52s.
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This is a known issue which we have opened a ticket for. I apologize for the inconvenience.
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This is good to know. Thank you!
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As one other input, something you might want to check, when I've experienced this most recently it turned out that the Bible I was trying to use was not downloaded on that device. Downloading that particular Bible fixed it for me.
For God and For Neighbor
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You are absolutely right, the resource was not downloaded, downloading it has fixed the issue. I had hundreds of downloaded resources, and now somehow only five (!). I guess something must have happened and I didn't notice it. Thank you.