Theology/Denomination Tags
Andrew Baguley said:
See the Links tab for other related projects that it would be great if Logos took over. In particular, the Bible Interpretation Choices at a Glance project, see
I voted. Thank you Andrew for your time and effort.
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Andrew Baguley said:
Here's the latest spreadsheet: Denominations and Theology - Nov 2023.xlsm
Is there an easy method for converting selections from the spreadsheet into a Collection?
...the only thing that matters is faith working through love. (Ga 5:6 - NET)
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Rod Bergen said:
Andrew Baguley said:Here's the latest spreadsheet: Denominations and Theology - Nov 2023.xlsm
Is there an easy method for converting selections from the spreadsheet into a Collection?
Well, that's embarrassing!
There was, Rod, but it looks like I broke it at some point.
Try this spreadsheet: Denominations and Theology - 23 Nov 23.xls
It's also available here:!Al6XZ3KAsP1pgSN7z6Db_SPTixbM?e=9yO2Dh
Simply filter as required, then copy CJ1 into a new Logos collection.
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I hope that worked for you, Rod.
I've also updated the single denomination and theology collections at:
And, I've fixed the 'Refresh' button on the Logos Rules tab, although it takes minutes to run. There's no real need for anyone else to run it though. The latest spreadsheet includes the updated Logos Rules: Denominations and Theology - 25 Nov 23.xls
And I've updated the Logos Rules tab on the shared spreadsheet as well:!Al6XZ3KAsP1pgSN7z6Db_SPTixbM?e=9yO2DhThis project feeds into a bigger project. See details here:
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I was asked in a post elsewhere ( how to get started with using the collections. I stopped updating the reference guide in April 2016, but I'll post a slightly updated version below, which doesn't refer only to Logos 5 and 6!
I'd welcome feedback on where it still needs to be updated. The hope was that Logos was taking over the project and that there would be no need for further updates, but the tagging they have done doesn't seem to allow us to do all that can be done here, hence the update.
Reference Guide: 3173.Theology and Denomination Tag Reference.doc
Don't forget to vote for the latest project if you would find it useful:
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Thanks to those who have provided positive feedback. It seems that it's still being used, so here's an updated spreadsheet:
Denominations and Theology - Shared.xlsm
Also available here:!Al6XZ3KAsP1pgSN7z6Db_SPTixbM?e=9yO2Dh
The reference guide is here: 3173.Theology and Denomination Tag Reference.doc
The formatting has been heavily updated to show the key facts for each author more easily. Many authors now have links to articles on Wikipedia, and a good bit of the data has been updated.
I'll continue to update it slowly over time, until Logos lets us do what the spreadsheet allows us to do.
As always, comments, suggestions, feedback and offers of help welcome.
If you have found it useful and haven't yet seen the latest project idea, please check it out and consider voting here:
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Looking back at the first post, and how many authors were named, this project has come a long way. There are now nearly 10,000 authors listed and, since last month, a good bit of data has been added - see Notes tab. As I wrote last month, the formatting has been heavily updated to show the key facts for each author more easily, and many authors now have links to articles on Wikipedia.
I may not update this for a while, as I'll be working on other things, so I thought I'd post the latest update:
Denominations and Theology - Shared.xlsm
Also available here:!Al6XZ3KAsP1pgSN7z6Db_SPTixbM?e=9yO2Dh with links to related projects - see Links tab.
The reference guide is here: 3173.Theology and Denomination Tag Reference.doc
As always, comments, suggestions, feedback and offers of help welcome.
If you have found it useful and haven't yet seen the latest project idea, please check it out and consider voting here:
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Thank you so much for this efford, Andrew!
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I have tried various ways to download/open this file and it will not let me have access to it...oh well...
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It has been successfully downloaded and opened...Thank you!!!!!!!