Add a link in Logos notes to a file in Obsidian

Arthur Werry
Arthur Werry Member Posts: 21 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

In Logos notes, I can add a hyperlink to a web address.  It doesn't appear to be possible to make a similar link to an Obsidian file using the obsidian://open?vault=Main&file= etc. format.

More and more programs are allowing for these kinds of deep links, it would be great to see Logos add this feature as well.



  • Fabian
    Fabian Member Posts: 1,078 ✭✭✭

    In Logos notes, I can add a hyperlink to a web address.  It doesn't appear to be possible to make a similar link to an Obsidian file using the obsidian://open?vault=Main&file= etc. format.

    More and more programs are allowing for these kinds of deep links, it would be great to see Logos add this feature as well.


    Χριστὸς ἐν ὑμῖν, ἡ ἐλπὶς τῆς δόξης· 

  • Fabian
    Fabian Member Posts: 1,078 ✭✭✭

    In Logos notes, I can add a hyperlink to a web address.  It doesn't appear to be possible to make a similar link to an Obsidian file using the obsidian://open?vault=Main&file= etc. format.

    More and more programs are allowing for these kinds of deep links, it would be great to see Logos add this feature as well.

    +1 for URI links

    Χριστὸς ἐν ὑμῖν, ἡ ἐλπὶς τῆς δόξης· 

  • Michael Ransom
    Michael Ransom Member Posts: 70 ✭✭

    Obsidian is an essential part of my workflow when it comes to notes management. Interestingly, I can open a Logos note from a URL link inside Obsidian, but not v.v. as you point out. Definitely +1 from me.

    Setting the URL thing aside for a moment, I'm interested in hearing how you use Obsidian in conjunction with Logos. I've been using Obsidian for ~2 years, and I think I've found a niche for it as a supplement to the Logos note tool.


    Logos 10, 2024 M2 Macbook Air, Sequoia, < == > Obsidian

  • Arthur Werry
    Arthur Werry Member Posts: 21 ✭✭

    To be honest, I haven't put a lot of thought into the full implications of the integration yet.  But I am working on a "second brain" in Obsidian, so it makes sense to put Bible notes into Obsidian in order to have maximum visibility in searches. 

    What are your thoughts?

  • Michael Ransom
    Michael Ransom Member Posts: 70 ✭✭

    As much as I would like to continue this discussion, I'm pretty sure we would end up at odds with the Forum Guidelines about keeping things focused on Logos software. Maybe sometime in the future...


    Logos 10, 2024 M2 Macbook Air, Sequoia, < == > Obsidian

  • Paul
    Paul Member Posts: 44 ✭✭

    To be honest, I haven't put a lot of thought into the full implications of the integration yet.  But I am working on a "second brain" in Obsidian, so it makes sense to put Bible notes into Obsidian in order to have maximum visibility in searches. 

    What are your thoughts?

    I use Obsidian for all my notes. Slowly moving them out of Logos. As an Obsidian user, I use Logos links in Obsidian frequently. Notes in Obsidian can contain links many different Logos resources such as passages, books, Factbook entries, Bible word studies, etc.

    I would love for Logos to create additional ways of linking outside of Logos. For example, I'd love to create a link in Obsidian that opened a specific Logos layout.

    One fantastic idea would be for Logos to create an Obsidian plugin that linked scripture passages back to Logos automatically instead of having to create links manually. Yes, I know that I'm only dreaming.

  • Arthur Werry
    Arthur Werry Member Posts: 21 ✭✭

    >For example, I'd love to create a link in Obsidian that opened a specific Logos layout.

    Exactly!  I work on sermons a month in advance... so I have multiple layouts going at any time.  It would be great to hit a keystroke and open the layout for the sermon 3 weeks from now.

    I asked for this over two years ago.

  • xnman
    xnman Member Posts: 2,899 ✭✭✭

    Paul said:

    I use Obsidian for all my notes. Slowly moving them out of Logos. As an Obsidian user, I use Logos links in Obsidian frequently. Notes in Obsidian can contain links many different Logos resources such as passages, books, Factbook entries, Bible word studies, etc.

    I would love for Logos to create additional ways of linking outside of Logos. For example, I'd love to create a link in Obsidian that opened a specific Logos layout.

    One fantastic idea would be for Logos to create an Obsidian plugin that linked scripture passages back to Logos automatically instead of having to create links manually. Yes, I know that I'm only dreaming.

    Maybe what would be better is.... if Logos was to create a Obsidian like linking system whereby Logosians could link things like Obisidian does. 

    xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".

    Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!

  • Daniel Wurzberg
    Daniel Wurzberg Member Posts: 163 ✭✭✭

    whould you mind sharing how you organize and connect your notes in Obs?

    I'm only starting, so I'm looking for ideas. tnx

  • Paul
    Paul Member Posts: 44 ✭✭

    whould you mind sharing how you organize and connect your notes in Obs?

    I'm only starting, so I'm looking for ideas. tnx

    This might be much more detail about Obsidian than you really want, especially if you're only starting.

    I have a Bible Notes folder with a folder for each book. I number each folder/book so it sorts appropriately and I can easily move new notes into the correct folder. 101-Genesis; 102-Exodus; etc.

    Within each folder for the book, I create an overview/introductory note for the book. Within the 101-Genesis folder, I have a 101-Genesis note.

    In the folder I create a note for each chapter as needed. Genesis 01, Genesis 02, etc. I use two digit chapter numbers for each note to keep them organized and add aliases as well (Gen. 1, Gen 1, Genesis 1). The aliases help with linking from other notes.

    At the top of each chapter note, I put a link back to the introductory note (101-Genesis). I also add links to the previous and next chapters. Genesis 02 has links back to Genesis 01 and forward to Genesis 03.

    In the chapter note, I create level 6 headings for each verse (just the reference). As I study the passage, I add level 4 & 5 headings for ranges of verses to help with outlining. I keep the outline panel open to jump around to specific verses in the note.

    In the note, I add quotes with links back to Logos. I create other notes in Obsidian that function as a personal Bible dictionary. Backlinks at the bottom of each note are fantastic for quick references to other notes.

    Templates in Obsidian are very helpful to keep consistency in your note format and keyboard shortcuts are helpful for speed & efficiency.

  • Michael Ransom
    Michael Ransom Member Posts: 70 ✭✭

    My approach to leveraging Logos notes content using Obsidian:

    1. I do everything possible to avoid duplicating anything that already exists in Logos. The only common data point between Logos and Obsidian is the bible book/chapter/verse reference. Other than this, the faceted panel menus in Logos provide all of the indexing I need.

    2. When I complete a workflow in Logos (e.g., Inductive Bible Study), I copy the Logos workflow summary paragraph into Obsidian. I try to do something similar for articles and commentary quotations in each new Logos note. The point is to write a very short summary that captures the main point of the Logos note. That summary becomes my Obsidian atomic note.

    3. I use a very simple atomic note template in Obsidian that consists of a series of key::value pairs. Example: Biblical_citation::Genesis 1:1, Atomic_note::, or Questions:: These key::value pairs don't have any equivalent in Logos.

    4. Atomic notes are named with highly descriptive file names. E.g., "The effectiveness of our spiritual armor is proportional to the effectiveness of our prayers"

    5. I link the Obsidian notes in two directions - "Up" to a single Obsidian note (e.g., "Repentance") that aggregates all notes that are focused on that topic. And then I link the note "sideways" to other notes that have any kind of relationship to it, however remote that relationship might be. The "highly descriptive file names" help me do this pretty efficiently.

    6. Opening the local graph in Obsidian shows me all notes that are linked to any given note. So, essentially, I can view the entire ecosystem surrounding any Obsidian note and start to draw conclusions.

    7. The main value-add of Obsidian is its ability to show specific parts of notes. I'm currently working on a study of spiritual warfare. Obsidian excels at its ability to search within notes and build tables that answer questions like "within the general topic of spiritual warfare, show me my note summaries, my questions in each note, biblical citations, and every linked note". And I get only that - none of the other key::value content in the atomic note is displayed. It's an efficient way to declutter what I don't need at the moment.

    I'm a big believer in the value of the Logos note tool. Obsidian simply allows me to aggregate and think about the relationship of thoughts across many different layers and topics. Is this essential and useful? Still exploring...


    Logos 10, 2024 M2 Macbook Air, Sequoia, < == > Obsidian

  • ds. P.J. Kotze
    ds. P.J. Kotze Member Posts: 103 ✭✭

    Paul said:

    One fantastic idea would be for Logos to create an Obsidian plugin that linked scripture passages back to Logos automatically instead of having to create links manually. Yes, I know that I'm only dreaming.

    What OS do you use, Win or Mac?


    The Logos API are capable of scanning references and opening layouts.


    Using creative Applescripting can also accomplish Reference linking.

  • Anderson Abreu
    Anderson Abreu Member Posts: 559 ✭✭✭

    I put the following suggestion to Logos:

    Logos could have its grading system redesigned to be more useful. I've started using the Obsidian software for grading notes with links between notes, so I thought it would be wonderful if Logos notes worked like Obsidian or Notion, which also creates links between notes. For those who don't know Obsidian yet, I suggest you look for good videos of it on YouTube. Obsidian uses the markdown format, which allows you to import and export notes to other services. It aims to create a neural network of information, connecting it logically and creating links with existing files.

    The idea is to have a notes system that acts as a "second brain". The notes are linked and interrelated in a fantastic index system, then it presents all the notes in a graphic system reminiscent of a neural network that is very similar to Logos' "Psalm Explorer" tool (which would already help in this process). If Logos had this function of making links between notes and sermons, we could build our entire life of notes, studies and sermons in a way that everything could be classified, interconnected and more easily located whenever we need to remember a note or subject.

    Imagine it all in one place and the power it would bring to Logos. Maybe, who knows, since everything you type in Obsidian is saved as simple .txt files to make it more compatible and exportable, Logos could have the function of letting Obsidian access your notes, or vice versa.


    "... And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." (Ne 8.10)

  • Arthur Werry
    Arthur Werry Member Posts: 21 ✭✭

    Linking and deep linking is the future.  Apps that facilitate linking will thrive over those that don't.

  • Paul
    Paul Member Posts: 44 ✭✭

    What OS do you use, Win or Mac?


    Using creative Applescripting can also accomplish Reference linking.

    I use a Mac. From what I understand, AppleScript is fairly simple to use, but I am not ready to spend time investigating this right now. Keyboard shortcuts and text expansion suffice currently, although slower than automation.

    Thank you for the suggestion. I can add it to my "someday/maybe" list. Or maybe someone smarter than me has created this and will share.

  • Anderson Abreu
    Anderson Abreu Member Posts: 559 ✭✭✭

    Arthur Werryexactly!!! And even if it is a function that only more advanced users will use, it would add even more value to Logos and keep users even more engaged in the software. I would be willing to do EVERYTHING within Logos to have the incalculable benefit of interlinking notes and content.


    "... And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." (Ne 8.10)

  • ds. P.J. Kotze
    ds. P.J. Kotze Member Posts: 103 ✭✭

    To link a Logos note to an obsidian note:

    1) On Mac I stripped the NoteId from the L4 link that I grab using cmd+c

    2) my filenames in obsidian use this id

    3) I use alias properties in obsidian to make links readable inside obsidian

    Pros: Both apps know what note it should link to in the other app

    Cons: only uuid’s in obsidian graphview

  • ds. P.J. Kotze
    ds. P.J. Kotze Member Posts: 103 ✭✭

    Arthur Werryexactly!!! And even if it is a function that only more advanced users will use, it would add even more value to Logos and keep users even more engaged in the software. I would be willing to do EVERYTHING within Logos to have the incalculable benefit of interlinking notes and content.

    When you do everyting inside Logos you can actually link anything to notes. The links are available from the three vertical dots in any open Panel. In notes you highlight the word, click the link icon and paste the link. 

  • Arthur Werry
    Arthur Werry Member Posts: 21 ✭✭

    >3) I use alias properties in obsidian to make links readable inside obsidian

    Yeah, I just paste the L4 link into Obsidian as a Markdown link so it can read however I want.

    Hookmark would be ideal if Logos would all for deep links.

  • Anderson Abreu
    Anderson Abreu Member Posts: 559 ✭✭✭

    ds. P.J. Kotze,  It's not the same and it's not as easy as we're talking about Obsidiam. Logos notes are slow to type. They seem to load or index with every letter you type. It's impossible to type a long text in Logos notes. And this process of copying the link from L4, which I use occasionally, is not at all practical. The idea would be to link one note to another by subject, title, etc. with the same ease and good depth as Obsidiam and providing great searches when looking for a topic.


    "... And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." (Ne 8.10)

  • Raphael Beldzik
    Raphael Beldzik Member Posts: 8 ✭✭

    Not sure if this is the right forum for the request, so I just posted it again under "Suggestions" ;)

    SUGGESTION: Add feature to create a link to obsidian notes - Logos Forums

    Would love the feature too!

  • Anderson Abreu
    Anderson Abreu Member Posts: 559 ✭✭✭


    "... And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." (Ne 8.10)

  • Bradley Grainger (Logos)
    Bradley Grainger (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 12,051

    Please try this again in the latest version of Logos; obsidian: URLs should be supported.

  • Arthur Werry
    Arthur Werry Member Posts: 21 ✭✭

    Perfect! The built-in links work and Advanced URI links work as well.

    Thank you so much!

  • Donovan R. Palmer
    Donovan R. Palmer Member, MVP Posts: 2,705

    I am pleased too… well done Team Logos!

    This works in Capacities as well. Markdown is the operative word. I have been moving in this direction, because as much as I love Obsidian, I have hit some barriers that object and block based knowledge processing overcomes. (think of a crossover of Obsidian, Logseq and Notion)

    Where I mostly use Logos with Obsidian/Capacities, is to form a reference note, from which I harvest main/atomic notes for my digital Zettlekasten slipbox. So deep links are a huge timesaver in keeping the connects to sources in notes.

    Now, if we could get Logos book highlights to sync with ReadWise… Logos would be a Kindle killer on any materials that overlap with Amazon. 😜

  • Rob Dekker
    Rob Dekker Member Posts: 13 ✭✭

    i love this idea. Only i would advocate for a obsidian concept in Logos itself, in stead of just having links to Obsidian. If Logos would adapt a Obisian concept (combining the canvas feature an the notes feature), than I personally wouldn't even use Obsidian anymore. I also added this idea: