Export from Passage List Without Verse Hyperlinks?

Michael Ransom
Michael Ransom Member Posts: 70 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Does the desktop app allow me to export the contents of a passage list and paste it without the verse references formatted as hyperlinks? The print/export/copy to clipboard utility works great when I paste it into a document as a table. However, the hyperlinked verse reference shows up in a blue font which, when printed, makes the verse reference a little hard to read. I tried changing the Program Settings / Copy Citations / Hyperlink Copied Citations to "No", but that doesn't change the result. I also looked at the forum history on this question. There was a suggestion to paste from the clipboard into a plain text editor, and then into a word processing document. Unfortunately doing this strips out the table formatting.

Is there a different program setting that I need to change? Thank you!


Logos 10, 2024 M2 Macbook Air, Sequoia, < == > Obsidian

