Selecting word in Mobile shows new menu option for selecting words

I'm using Mobile 34.0.0. When I select a word in a book, the pop-up menu now shows that word with back and forward buttons. The buttons simply select the previous or next words. Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm baffled as to the purpose of this. It doesn't make selecting a word easier. It DOES take up valuable screen space. I find it quite annoying and would prefer it be removed.
To me, this seems to be another instance of adding a feature for the sake of adding features. Please prioritize improving existing features before adding new ones.
I forgot to mention, after selecting a word, the menu then gives the option of selecting the sentence, then moving to the previous or next sentence. Moving at the sentence level does not make this any more useful.
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I have no inside knowledge on the why it functions this way, but i find being able to go to the next word a good thing if you hit the wrong word because of fat fingers. it would save a step or two.