Set multiple commentaries to the same link set on open
Can you set multiple commentaries to the same link set on opening them?
Or after opening them as a separate step?
I know I can select and open multiple. What is the limit?
Thanx for any help.
Your time and effort is appreciated.
You can include a multi-volume commentary series in a Link Set. As you move between biblical books, different commentary volumes will be swapped in. (To do so, open any volume in the commentary series and add it to the Link Set.) from this site
EDIT you might want to look at Multiple Book Display
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Bob Diebel said:
Can you set multiple commentaries to the same link set on opening them?
Opening from Library - No. But when you do, save the layout! If you use parallel book sets to open a book in the same tab, it will retain the link set.
Using multiple books display, they are automatically linked as slaves to the master commentary.
Bob Diebel said:I know I can select and open multiple. What is the limit?
Try and see is the best way! Much depends on readability if you have many books visible at the same time. And Logos could take too long to open a large number of books.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I have never understood multiple books display and parallel book sets. If you link many tabs, each with the same Bible but a different multiple resource commentary, changing the Bible in one will change the commentary in all other tabs, but the Bible will remain static if any of the commetaries are browsed through. Switching tabs is then very similar to switching commentaries, because the bibles are all connected together.
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Christian Alexander said:
If you link many tabs, each with the same Bible but a different multiple resource commentary, changing the Bible in one will change the commentary in all other tabs, but the Bible will remain static if any of the commetaries are browsed through.
If I have LSB in a multiple books display (below) with some commentaries, changing the Bible reference will change the commentaries, but the Bible will remain static if any of the commetaries is browsed.
When I link LSB to another bible with different commentaries in a multiple books display, I can confirm it has a similar effect on those commentaries and their bible.
Christian Alexander said:Switching tabs is then very similar to switching commentaries, because the bibles are all connected together.
If you switch to the other linked bible, yes, it will have the same effect on the commentaries when you change the reference.
Note that the Parallel Book Sets icon (to the right of multiple books) will give you a list(s) of bibles with the same reference as LSB, and the selected bible will replace LSB in the tab.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Thanks Dave for the clarification.
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Thanx Dave.