Liturgical commentaries

Br Damien-Joseph OSB
Br Damien-Joseph OSB Member Posts: 229 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in Books and Courses Forum

I was surprised to note find these requested. Liturgical commentaries are among the most accessible commentaries for Catholic preachers to use when preparing to preach. Verbum has a few of them, but the most important and well-known ones--the ones I find universally on the shelves of priests across the country--are conspicuously absent. Please help vote on these, and I really hope to see them in the next version of Verbum in the Fall.

Christ in the Gospels of the Liturgical Year by Raymond E. Brown

Days of the Lord (7 volume series)

The Liturgical Year by Adrien Nocent (3 volume series)

Some of these go beyond interpretation; they go into the reasoning why the lectionary was established the way it was established, and what are the intentions behind the pairing of a particular Old Testament text with a particular Gospel text.

Liturgical Press is the major storehouse for liturgical commentaries. While there are many more that Verbum could acquire from them, these three are among the most important.

Liturgical commentaries are tremendously important for Catholic preachers.
