Here's One for the "Bug Killers"

Eugene Nowak
Eugene Nowak Member Posts: 90 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum


Been using the same Custom Workflow for a long time to generate a Notebook and Notes for each week of Sunday School Bible Study teaching preparation.  No issues with it for a year plus.

Decided to just work on an iPad last night and this morning.  Added a bunch of C-n-P's to a Note within a Notebook, along with a bunch of highlighting and Font Formatting.

Go to PC desktop this afternoon and that note cannot be touched, changed, edited without crashing Logos (running Logos Pro (early) & version 35).  Go back to the iPad, no issues.  Copy the contents of that note on the iPad and paste into a new note on the iPad.  No issues working with it on the iPad.  The new note is disconnected from the Workflow, but no concern, all the hours of work is still in contact.

Go back to PC desktop Logos app and Logos crashes with trying to do anything with either of the notes.

Go back to iPad, copy note contents from the note again.  Put that into ASCII email to strip all the background stuff from behind the scenes.  Lose all highlighting and formatting within the note, but the content is there.  

Back to the PC desktop version.  Create new entry in the Workflow, paste the email contents into the newly created Workflow/Notebook/Note and life's wonderful again.  Lacking the hours of highlighting and formatting, of course always faster the 2nd time :)

Only connection I can make is Logos desktop looked to be updating to 35.0.520 when it was opened. But, shouldn't the note created on the iPad be secure on a Logos cloud server?  I usually close Logos on the desktop, as was the case today so that when it reopens the layout configuration it is pulling from the cloud.  The iPad is hit and miss, usually close the Logos app when done, not the case this am.  But don't all the app synch to the cloud as devices are closed?  My iPad is not shut down, only closed, & still powered until it finishes what it was doing in the background.

My time savings redo work thru will be to have the damaged note in side-by-side panels with the now good one. Can still scroll the damaged one, and then highlighted & formatted items, so it'll be much less than half the original time spent :):(

Any insights why this happened or advise how to prevent it?  I tried every trick I knew...



  • Eugene Nowak
    Eugene Nowak Member Posts: 90 ✭✭

    Thought of something that the Logos programming wizards may be able to provide some input.

    Tried to paste a graphic into the note last night while working on the iPad, but the graphic didn't appear to be inserted. 

    Could that have corrupted the note file?

  • Matt Mattox (Faithlife)
    Matt Mattox (Faithlife) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 954

    Thanks for the report and apology for the crash. 

    Been using the same Custom Workflow for a long time to generate a Notebook and Notes for each week of Sunday School Bible Study teaching preparation.  No issues with it for a year plus.

    Can you let me know which workflow kind you chose for your custom workflow?

    Does anything specific need to happen in that workflow to repro the crash? 

    Go to PC desktop this afternoon and that note cannot be touched, changed, edited without crashing Logos

    I can't repro this part but I think I am missing some information regarding the workflow or steps needed before creating the note and copying/pasting it into my note that is associated with my notebook.

    Here's what I attempted.

    1. Created a custom workflow (what kind & what do I do once at this step? Is this step needed to repro the crash?)

    2. Did you create the note on desktop or iPad? Once the note is created. Then copy/paste a bunch of notes with formatting into the note on iPad.

    3. Then go back to the PC and attempt to open the note which you can't and eventually causes a crash. 

    Any help for steps #1 and #2 would be appreciated as I believe I understand step #3 and what you did there but coming up short on replicating on my end.

  • Eugene Nowak
    Eugene Nowak Member Posts: 90 ✭✭

    Placed a copy of the Note in a Notebook called "Bug Killers" and shared it as a Public Document.

    Also have this address for the Notebook:

    If you try to anything inside of the Note, it should crash.  I just tried to Bold the first word and it crashed.

    The following is an expanded description of how I'm using the Workflow/Notebook/Notes

    The Workflow is Bible Reference.  I'd share the workflow, but it does not show up in documents, so don't know how to share it.    

    The Workflow is first used to create the Notebook and subsequent Notes.  Once the Scripture range is entered, and the 1st text entry is made, the Notebook and first Note is created.  I then go thru each of the steps in the Workflow to create the corresponding note by entering predetermined headings. I'm not sure of a way the user could create a note and then anchor it back to a Workflow, that seems to be a programming caveat.  I always work from the Workflow outwards.

    I also use the Workflow to list in each step the standard or usual references I'm consistently using.

    Use the iPad when it is convenient to work away from the PC.  I'll open a resource, split screen it with the appropriate note and go to work.

    The iPad does not recognize or work with a Workflow.  But does expose the Notebook and Notes created by the Workflow, pretty standard stuff.  The notes show up on the iPad with unsupported anchors.  No big deal as it seems Logos keeps that connected in the background when the note is reopened on the PC.  Unsupported anchor makes sense on the iPad because the generating Workflow is not there for the Note to be connected to. 

    I've used this method for year plus without any glitches.  As I was fixing the materials later this afternoon, I sent out a follow-up comment regarding graphic insertion.  I had tried to paste some graphics into the note while working on the iPad.  But they didn't paste or at least they didn't show.  FYI, if graphics are pasted into a note on the PC, they do show on the iPad. When the graphic didn't paste, I had placed a comment in the note to add the graphic when I got it open back on the PC.  

    Test #1 Added a test note to a Notebook on the PC, opened it on the iPad, attempted to paste a graphic from a Logos resource into it, didn't paste, said it was saving, closed Logos app on iPad, opened Note on PC, no graphic, made changes within the Note, did not crash.

    Test #2 Opened iPad & note, added text to note, attempted to paste a graphic from a Logos resource into it, didn't paste, said it was saving, left Logos app on iPad open, closed iPad, opened Note on PC, no new text and no graphic, resynched PC Logos, no changes, open iPad, closed Logos app, resynched PC Logos, text changes shown, not graphic, made changes within the Note, did not crash.

    Hopefully you can open the "Bug Killer" Notebook and see the Note crash Logos.  If not, must be menehune.

  • Matt Mattox (Faithlife)
    Matt Mattox (Faithlife) Member, Community Manager, Logos Employee Posts: 954

    Thanks, looks like I only have permission to view the note but I should be able to recreate what you did on my end.

    Could we clarify the repro steps to recreate the crash? Here's what I have gathered but let me know if I am missing anything. In the meantime, could you also upload your log files using the paperclip icon once you have obtained them from these instructions

    1. Create custom Workflow with an editable field
    2. On desktop enter text into the field to create a note.
    3. Quit Logos on Desktop
    4. On iPad add text and/or (at the least) format the text with some visual styling.
    5. Open Logos on Desktop and open that note.

  • Eugene Nowak
    Eugene Nowak Member Posts: 90 ✭✭


    I would assume I'd attach the zip file as a reply to the email.  But the email states not to reply with it.  Did it anyway, let me know if know if need to provide another way.

    Yes, you have the basics of the process down.

    I'm a little puzzled why you couldn't take possession of the Notebook, thru Document Sharing Management, by downloading it into your Logos, creating a copy and it becomes yours and editable.  I'd be curious to see if the damage note carries it's corruption thru that process.

  • Eugene Nowak
    Eugene Nowak Member Posts: 90 ✭✭

    I went ahead and created a duplicate of the Bug Killer Notebook from the public domain, as such it becomes a new Notebook for me.  Went into the Notebook and the original Note and attempted to make format selected text.  And as like before, killed open version of Logos.