Versemap not working for a personal Bible
![Shino John](
I'm working on a Malayalam Bible with apocrypha. I'm getting warning like these
[Warning] Unrecognized milestone Bible:Sir 28:24
[Warning] Unrecognized milestone Bible:Sir 28:25
[Warning] Unrecognized milestone Bible:Sir 36:14
[Warning] Unrecognized milestone Bible:Sir 36:15
[Warning] Unrecognized milestone Bible:Sir 41:23
[Warning] Unrecognized milestone Bible:Sir 43:17
I solved first two by making milestone like this
[[@Bible:Sir 28:24a]]24 {{field-on:bible}}..... {{field-off:bible}}
[[@Bible:Sir 28:25b]]
But I want the versemap of rsv. I tried adding rsv in the milestone like this
[[@Bible+rsv:Sir 41:23]] but it didn't work. Did versemap changed in logos10? Can someone help.
Shino John said:
I want the versemap of rsv. I tried adding rsv in the milestone like this
[[@Bible+rsv:Sir 41:23]] but it didn't work.
The correct syntax would be [[@bibleRSV:Sir 41:23]] . I tried your file and replaced all the @Bible (and the one @Bible+rsv) with @BibleRSV milestones. Works but has about a dozen unrecognized milestones in Sir 33, 34 and 35 - it seems RSV is not the correct versemap for the Mayalam bible either.
Check out the wikipage to make sure you find the right versemap (if at all possible)
Have joy in the Lord!
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NB.Mick said:
Works but has about a dozen unrecognized milestones in Sir 33, 34 and 35 - it seems RSV is not the correct versemap for the Mayalam bible either.
@BibleNRSV would work for those Sir milestones (verse range is the issue with BibleRSV) but I don't know how they work for the whole bible.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
@BibleNRSV would work for those Sir milestones (verse range is the issue with BibleRSV) but I don't know how they work for the whole bible.
NRSV works better but still has 4 unrecognized milestones:
[Warning] Unrecognized milestone bibleNRSV:Sir 36:14
[Warning] Unrecognized milestone bibleNRSV:Sir 36:15
[Warning] Unrecognized milestone bibleNRSV:Sir 41:23
[Warning] Unrecognized milestone bibleNRSV:Sir 43:17Have joy in the Lord!
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NB.Mick said:
This might be the best match You could duplicate the Sir 36:13 milestone at 36:14, 36:15, etc, and the book would compile without displaying the unknown milestone code.
The entry of any of these verses would be converted to the preceding recognised verse e.g. 36:15 ==> 36:13.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Thank you brother for the correct syntax.
The bible i use doesn't seem to match from the wiki page. The one that matches has only 2 errors. It is not a problem but when using text comparison the corresponding verses doesn't math most of the time.
I was thinking of adding different Bible milestone for some chapter and other for another chapter. For example @BibleRSV for the whole book and @BibleNRSV for chapter 32 and so on. But it throws up error and doesn't even build if we use different Bible milestones. errors like this shows
[Error] Multiple Bible milestones in this resource.
[Error] Error while building book: Error compiling book.
[Error] Exception: LDLS4.Panels.PersonalBookBuilderPanel.PersonalBookBuilderException: Error compiling book.
at LDLS4.Panels.PersonalBookBuilderPanel.PersonalBookConverter.CompileResource(LicenseManager licenseManager, String manifest, ResourceDocumentData metadata, IPersonalBookBuildLog buildLog, TempFiles tempFiles, IWorkState workState)
at LDLS4.Panels.PersonalBookBuilderPanel.PersonalBookConverter.CreatePersonalBookWork(PersonalBook book, PersonalBookBuilderViewModel model, PersonalBookViewModel bookViewModel, IPersonalBookBuildLog buildLog)+MoveNext()
at Libronix.Utility.Threading.AsyncWorkerTask`1.EnumMoveNext()
at Libronix.Utility.Threading.AsyncWorkerTask`1.EnumMoveNextWithCatch()
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
at Libronix.Utility.Threading.AsyncWorkItem.Verify()
at LDLS4.Panels.PersonalBookBuilderPanel.PersonalBookViewModel.CreatePersonalBookWork(PersonalBook book, PersonalBookBuilderViewModel bookBuilderViewModel, PersonalBookViewModel bookViewModel)+MoveNext()Is there an option to use more than one Bible version?
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Thanks brother for taking a look at this.
Can you tell me what do you mean by duplicating?
My bible has 26 verses for chapter 36. But NRSV has 31. Verses won't match in text comparison unless i manually change all the verses in that chapter according to NRSV.
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Shino John said:
I was thinking of adding different Bible milestone for some chapter and other for another chapter. For example @BibleRSV for the whole book and @BibleNRSV for chapter 32 and so on. But it throws up error and doesn't even build if we use different Bible milestones.
You are correct that a PB bible can only be built using exactly one bible milestone. You could build several PBs so that the versification works, and then put them in the same series, so Logos will open them seamlessly and you can navigate in the locator bar to all of them.
Have joy in the Lord!
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Oh ok. I didn't know that we can use series like that. Thank You [:D]
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Shino John said:
Can you tell me what do you mean by duplicating?
My bible has 26 verses for chapter 36. But NRSV has 31. Verses won't match in text comparison unless i manually change all the verses in that chapter according to NRSV.
Matching your bible to NRSV versification is a compromise, so you cannot expect an exact alignment in Text Comparison. The content of your 26 verses in Sir 36 will not necessarily align with the first 26 verses of NRSV and it could even be spread over 31 verses in the NRSV; or the NRSV just has a few extra verses! Don't change anything in your bible except for unknown milestones.
You have 23 verses in Sir 41 whilst NRSV has 22. My proposal was to rename [[@bibleNRSV:Sir 41:23]] as [[@bibleNRSV:Sir 41:22]], duplicating the milestone, but allowing verse 23 to be visible in the bible without the milestone coding.
Sir 43.17 is unknown because NRSV has 17a and 17b. So you can change it to [[@bibleNRSV:Sir 43:17a]] without duplicating a milestone! Check the order of verses 15 to 17b in NRSV - another irreconcilable difference.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Shino John said:
Oh ok. I didn't know that we can use series like that. Thank You
I would suggest that using a series to resolve a few unknown milestones is not practical. You could use a different PB for books outside the Poetic Apocrypha and see if a different bible datatype is better.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I got it now.I already did like you suggested to Sir 43. And added verses without milestones for some. others. Only problem was Sir 36. I changed milestones for those to match others and didn't change the visible verse numbers.
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I didn't use that idea for this. I might use it for other purposes. Thank you for your suggestions and time. Shalom
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Shino John said:
Only problem was Sir 36. I changed milestones for those to match others and didn't change the visible verse numbers.
I would have thought to keep the visible verse numbers as it makes no difference to locating them, and they are unique to your bible.
===Windows 11 & Android 13