Bug or Normal Behavior in the Parallel Resources Tool?

Anderson Abreu
Anderson Abreu Member Posts: 557 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I just noticed that when I click on parallel resources, those that are in the cloud do not appear for me. I tested this with Bibles.

I use the stable version of Logos with the entire library saved on my computer, but I use the beta version of Verbum to test new features. When trying to access parallel Bibles and find the NIV, I noticed it didn't appear either in all parallel resources (on the right) or in my favorite Bible collection (which is set to show in parallel resources). Only after searching for the Bible in the library and downloading it to my computer did it start appearing in parallel resources. This happens with any other resource as well.

Is this normal behavior or a software bug? I would expect to see the parallel books just like I can see them in the library, even while they are still online.


"... And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." (Ne 8.10)

