URL links into iPad OS App (36.0.1) not working correctly

I am using Logos 10. I have a continuous Bible reading plan in a Google sheet with URL links to OT, Psalm, Proverb, and NT reading for the day, each in their respective cells. When I click on a link in the Google Sheet app, Logos will not always switch to the linked scripture reference. Clicking on the link always switches me into the Logos App, but I sometimes have to click on the link several times before Logos switches to the linked scripture. The same behavior is present when I click on a Logos scripture reference link from other apps on the iPad.
The links work properly in the iOS and macOS Logos apps.
Here are a few example links:
Tom, I think you might be using an outdated version of our iPad app.
Please tap on the more icon (three horizontal lines in lower-right) and go to "About"(or "Help"). You should then see if you have the current version 36.0.1 installed.
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Thanks, Joe. I have the current version. This is written in the message header
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Tom Wilson said:
Thanks, Joe. I have the current version. This is written in the message header
Oh yes, of course it is! Sorry about that.
We have not been able to duplicate this problem from our side, using the links that you have provided.
Please send us your logs:
1. Open the app.
2. Tap the More icon (this icon has three horizontal lines).
3. Tap "About".
4. Press “Report a Problem”.
5. A pre-addressed email will open with a log file attached automatically. Mark it "Attention: Joe". Press “Send” to send your report.0 -
Hi Joe,
I think I may have a small clue about where the issue lies. I have a custom Google Sheets Apps Script Bible Reading Plan Generator with a custom "My Tools" menu. This allows me to create a continuous Bible reading plan that rolls from one year into the next. When generating the plan, I can select how many Old Testament and New Testament chapters to read each day, while always including a Psalm and a Proverb. I also have a menu option that applies Logos URL links to each cell, pointing to the corresponding Scripture passages.
To help me stay focused, I created two iOS Focus modes: "Study 1" (when the Logos app is active) and "Study 2" (when the Google Sheets app is active). The issue arises when I switch between these two Focus modes. When I switch from Logos to Google Sheets, "Study 1" turns off and "Study 2" turns on, but there seems to be a timing issue with the App Focus switches. This seems to prevent the Scripture link from being properly followed or received by Logos.
However, if I delete both "Study 1" and "Study 2" Focus modes, Logos correctly follows the linked Scripture references. Logos also works as expected when only the "Logos App Focus" is active without the "Google Sheets App Focus."
So, all may be well with Logos! However, let me know if you’d like additional information or logs.Thank you,