Bug: Keeps Crashing When Opening a New Note

JJ Wurtz
JJ Wurtz Member Posts: 39 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Using the new update I open Verbum to my desired layout.  Each time I go to create a new note the app crashes.  Need help, working on homework.

Update: I opened Verbum, went directly to Notes, and clicked "New Note." Nothing else is open at that time.  Crashed!  I've tried multiple ways of opening notes through various Layouts, but no layouts, and each time, it crashes.  Something seems to be corrupt.

I've attached my error logs if this should help.Those files were updated right before the crash.




  • Paul Gibson
    Paul Gibson Member Posts: 122 ✭✭

    JJ Wurtz said:

    Each time I go to create a new note the app crashes.  

    I had the same problem a few months ago. It problem turned out to be some corrupted notes. I had been playing with Custom Highlighting and had created several notes with Unicode characters like some emojis. Apparently Logos didn't properly support some of the characters I tried, and when Logos synched to the cloud, it crashed. 

    Tech support had me disconnect from the Internet to see if that would temporarily stop the problem, and it did. I then copied all of the potential problem notes into a word processor document and deleted the Logos note, then I reconnected to the Internet to let Logos sync. That fixed the problem. 

  • JJ Wurtz
    JJ Wurtz Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Paul, you rock.  I had a feeling what note could have caused this.  I took the paper I wrote based on my note in a Google Doc and copied it into it.  Once I corrected the font to match the default font, I was able to create a note.


  • Mike Binks
    Mike Binks MVP Posts: 7,453

    Paul Gibson wrote...Apparently Logos didn't properly support some of the characters I tried, and when Logos synched to the cloud, it crashed.

      JJ Wurtz said:Once I corrected the font to match the default font, I was able to create a note.

    It might help if you shared with Logos just which characters/fonts caused the crashes. They may be able to accommodate them.

    tootle pip


    Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS

  • JJ Wurtz
    JJ Wurtz Member Posts: 39 ✭✭

    Good idea, I will have to try and recreate the issues.  Being that I save a lot of my Google Notes into Verbum once done I am sure it will happen again at some point.  Thanks

    I did notice these two errors in the ErrorReportManager.db file.

    Error ApplicationUtility Unhandled exception in async work ServiceException: 'style' is invalid: 'highlight' of 'custom' requires 'markupStyle' to be set. (InvalidRequest)\r\n at Facility.Core.ServiceResult.Verify() in /_/src/Facility.Core/ServiceResult.cs:line 50\r\n at Facility.Core.ServiceResult`1.get_Value() in /_/src/Facility.Core/ServiceResult.cs:line 259\r\n at LDLS4.Panels.NotesTool.NotesToolViewModel.CreateNotes(AsyncMethodContext context, JToken args)"},

    "error" :{"errorKind":"default","data":{},"className":"Facility.Core.ServiceException","message":"ServiceException: 'style' is invalid: 'highlight' of 'custom' requires 'markupStyle' to be set.","stackTrace":[{"lineNumber":50,"className":"Facility.Core.ServiceResult","fileName":"/_/src/Facility.Core/ServiceResult.cs","methodName":"Verify()"},

    Next time I do a little more digging and try and figure what it causing the problem.