How do I get styled copies to look like this?

Jefferis Peterson
Jefferis Peterson Member Posts: 62 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

How do I get styled copies to look like this? 

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints. - Psalm 116:15 (ESV)

with citation after the text 

Instead of  like this?

Psalm 116:15 (ESV)

Precious in the sight of the Lord  is the death of his saints.

I chose Chicago Manual of style, but I don't think this is actually  Chicago.  



  • Justin Gatlin
    Justin Gatlin Member, MVP Posts: 2,189

    Try making a new style and copying and pasting this.









    ” - [FullPassageRef] ([Version])</p>

  • Alan saunders
    Alan saunders Member Posts: 66 ✭✭

    Can someone please point me to info on styles, where they reside and what they are used for?  I haven’t come across this before in Logos

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,721

    From the Help document


    Choose a Style

    1. Open the Copy Bible Verses tool.
    2. Click the style drop-down arrow to open the gallery of styles (Fully Formatted is the default).


    • A preview of each style is displayed.
    • Select Fully Formatted with Footnotes to copy footnotes and citations along with the text.
    • Users can create new styles to suit their needs.

    Create a New Style

    1. Choose the built-in style that is closest to the intended style.
    2. Open the Panel menu and choose Edit Style: STYLE NAME. This will open a copy of that style template. The style name will have a “(2)” after it, but users can quickly rename the style.
    3. To create a style from scratch, click Create a new style from the Panel menu, or from the lower-left corner of the style gallery.
    4. Edit the style (see below) and click Save in the CBV toolbar. Click Back to cancel without saving.

    Style Definition Structure

    A Copy Bible Verses style is a textual template that describes the markup for the formatting Verbum will use when copying with that style. The style consists of formatting options, a header section, a main body section, and a footer. In the header, body, and footer section, users will use replacement tokens as placeholders to fill in text from the resource and formatting codes to specify how it should be marked up.

    The list of formatting options appears first, for example:


    These are followed by the optional header, which is started by =Header. This defines what Verbum should copy before the passage text. For example, users may want the full passage reference in bold in its own paragraph:


    This is followed by the main body seciton, which is started by =ForEachVerse. This defines what Verbum should copy for each verse. For example, users might just want the verse number in italics and the verse text:

    =ForEachVerse<i>[VerseNum]</i> [VerseText]

    The final section is for the optional footer, which is started by =Footer. This defines what Verbum should copy after the passage text. For example, users may want the version abbreviation in parentheses:


    Formatting Options

    These options tell Verbum how much of the original formatting of the Bible to preserve, and how to treat it. They must come first in the style definition. Type them exactly as follows:

    • %NoCharFormatting — remove character formatting, i.e., bold, italic, etc.
    • %NoParFormatting — remove paragraph formatting, i.e., poetry line breaks
    • %NoRedLetter — words of Christ will be in black text
    • %NoFootnotes — footnotes will not be copied
    • %NoCitation — bibliographic citations will not be copied
    • %UseBibleParagraphs — paragraphs will be copied as they appear in the Bible
    • %CopyAllText — all text will be copied, inc cross-reference footnotes, verse numbers, etc.
    • %HeaderStyle= Word style — header will use the specified Microsoft Word style
    • %ForEachVerseStyle= Word style — verse(s) will use the specified Microsoft Word style
    • %FooterStyle= Word style — footer will use the specified Microsoft Word style
    • %FootnoteStyle= Word style — all footnotes, including citations, will use the specified Microsoft Word style
    • %CitationStyle= Word style — citation footnotes, only, will use the specified Microsoft Word style

    Replacement Tokens

    Replacement tokens are used as placeholders to be filled with text from the resource.

    • [FullPassageRef] — e.g., John 3:1618
    • [ShortPassageRef] — e.g., Jn 3:1618
    • [FullBookName] — e.g., John
    • [ShortBookName] — e.g., Jn
    • [ChapterNum] — e.g., 3
    • [VerseNum] — e.g., 16
    • [VerseNumInContext] — e.g., no number (first verse), 16, or 4:1 (if passage spans chapters)
    • [FullVerseRef] — e.g., John 3:16
    • [ShortVerseRef] — e.g., Jn 3:16
    • [Version] — e.g., ESV
    • [VerseText] — e.g., For God so loved ...

    These options are not supported in headers or footers.

    Formatting codes: (HTML tags)

    • <p>...</p> — paragraph
    • <tab> — tab
    • <b>...</b> — bold
    • <i>...</i> — italic
    • <u>...</u> — underline
    • <sub>...</sub> — subscript
    • <sup>...</sup> — superscript

    Note: Look at the built-in styles for examples. It is much easier to modify an existing style than to start from scratch.

    Verbum Help (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2024).

    or the wiki Copy Bible Verses (

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Jefferis Peterson
    Jefferis Peterson Member Posts: 62 ✭✭

    Perfect,  Thank you.  The coding in the help doc is confusing.  The { }  create real issues.  In the default modifications.