Import list of ISBN numbers into print library feature

Phil Miller
Phil Miller Member Posts: 42 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Suggestions
Add functionality to L10 to bulk add books to the new print library feature by importing a list of ISBN numbers.
117 votes

Need your opinion · Last Updated



  • HVK
    HVK Member Posts: 5 ✭✭
    I think this would be helpful. It would be great if this could be done before purchasing this feature to see how many print books would be added.
  • Bulk add is the first thing I went looking for! Many people would have a separate app/database for managing their print library. It would be great to upload a CSV or Excel file to L10 with a list of ISBNs which is automatically compared with the Logos library and adds any available titles to my "print library" list.
  • Adding my vote.  
  • I would also like to see that and also for older books that print the ISBN number but no bar code.
  • dmartin
    dmartin Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
    You don't make it clear up front that the ISBN scanner is only available on Gold and above. I upgraded to 10 in part because of this feature. As it stands now, you're being deceptive in giving the impression that this is a feature in all 10 upgrades. I didn't get everything I thought I was paying for.
  • Nathan Minor
    Nathan Minor Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
    @Dave Martin  Agreed. I did the same thing since everything told me this was a Logos 10 feature, not a Logos 10 Gold or above feature. I am disappointed.
  • On the main point here you can +1 me too.

    Just a question for those who upgraded to 10, but are not on Gold.  I don't think the cost of the the full feature upgrade is the same as the cost for Logos 10 Gold.  If it's less, maybe it's worth the cost to get it for the Print Library Feature?
  • Danny Zacharias
    Danny Zacharias Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭
    Yes, this is an excellent idea. As it is right now, I can only add some books in an area of current study. But a bulk import would be simple from my reference manager
  • Sorry, but the suggestion page was too busy, and I could not find the appropriate category. I suggest you review that feature. 

    However, my major suggestion is to suggest (strongly) that you restore the Print/Export for a passage search. Your representative told me the development team had removed that feature. We both agreed that this was a HUGE mistake as this is an often-used feature of the software. What good is the search if it cannot be captured and saved in additional ways that are more convenient than getting a saved passage list in Logos. The export allows us to work outside of Logos in Word or Excel. Please, Please, Please, Please, Please give back the Print/Export feature.

    Kind regards in Christ Jesus,
  • Willy Arnold
    Willy Arnold Member Posts: 97 ✭✭
    I use Book Collector.  All my print books are already cataloged there.  Would be nice if they could sync. 
  • Anderson Abreu
    Anderson Abreu Member Posts: 564 ✭✭✭


    "... And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." (Ne 8.10)

  • Mario
    Mario Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
    That would be nice but that would also be too easy and tempting to download a list of all isbn # from the university / seminary where we study and to import them all so we can search them without owning them… I doubt you will ever see bulk import. That being said, that feature is amazing... I just added a series of commentary i have in paper format... Just that worth upgrading to L10... Also, i got a HUGE gift last summer... the former dean of Theology Faculty at Saint-Paul University in Ottawa at 91 had to move to a elder residence and could not bring his personal library & so gave me boxes & boxes of books... I guess i will be doing lots of ISBN scan this weekend.
  • @Mario  I understand what you’re saying, but you could always fake this by generating the barcode with the ISBN through any online service or even through iOS shortcuts app so it’s not all that difficult to “fool it”. And anyway, do you mount of preview logos would give you would not be sufficient for any serious work. It really just tells you what page to look up the reference at.
  • Mal Walker
    Mal Walker Member Posts: 403 ✭✭✭
    @Marek Tomasovic  I agree, the purpose of the print library feature is not to create a list of books you own, but to make searching the print books you have access to easier.
    I see no issue if I added the ISBN of print books that I have legitimate access to and need to search regularly, even if I didn't own them - for example, a church office library or a seminary library.

    Current MDiv student at Trinity Theological College - Perth, Western Australia

  • Robert Lloyd Davey
    Robert Lloyd Davey Member Posts: 31 ✭✭✭
    I agree.  Bulk upload would allow finding information in books that are owned and otherwise available.  Since the actual text would not be available, it should not be a licensing issue.
  • This would be a huge timesaver to anyone who has already cataloged a print library.
  • cyber4eyes
    cyber4eyes Member Posts: 8
    Sadly, this feature is only available in the Gold edition or higher. That's not worth the added $1,000+ IMHO.
  • @Bruce Aron  I think you'll find that it is also available in the "Full Feature Upgrade" which is all the program updates with fewer library resources. 
  • Please add this feature. My print library is catalogued in LibraryThing, and it would be easy to generate a list of ISBN numbers.
  • @Samuel Lindsay  I see the feature to scan ISBN codes individually, but not to bulk upload. Am I missing this somewhere?
  • @Bryan O Clements  Apologies for the confusion - the Print Library feature is available on Logos Gold and above, OR in the Full Feature Upgrade, no bulk ISBN import anywhere (as far as I know). While this thread is actually about requesting the option to bulk upload ISBN, there are some who are commenting on a separate issue about access to the Print Library not being included in Logos 10 by default, of which I believe Bruce Aron was one.
  • Emory Horvath
    Emory Horvath Member Posts: 39 ✭✭
    Could be useful.  I have a ton of print books i'll want to add once i upgrade to the new Logos 10 package level i'm planning to get.  Unfortunately i don't have a convenient list of ISBN's at this point, but i might in the future.
  • I already have my print library available on a database, and I could produce a CSV list in a heartbeat. It would be nice to be able to import the CSV list instead of having to manually enter some of my older, pre-ISBN books.
  • Matthew O'Mealey
    Matthew O'Mealey Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
    It's listed in the feature description as $49.99. It's my hope that in the future it will be individually purchasable. I would pay for it on its on. 
  • This is a needed feature. I have over 3k books cataloged and have no desire or time to manually input them. One of the reasons I upgraded was the Print Library search feature and without a bulk add option it definitely doesn't seem worthwhile.
  • This would be very helpful and should not be that difficult. If a bar code can be used as input, surely the ISBN number itself can be, right?
  • Jason Semans
    Jason Semans Member Posts: 3 ✭✭
    This would be handy. 
  • Jim Martone
    Jim Martone Member Posts: 18 ✭✭
    It would be really nice if the iPhone app allowed you to add titles by ISBN and not just by scanning the barcode.  It has already been mentioned that some older titles don't have a barcode.  Also, I have many books where the reseller obscured the original barcode with their own.  In some cases I can successfully remove it and scan the original barcode, but sometimes trying to remove it destroys the barcode underneath.
  • Jim Martone
    Jim Martone Member Posts: 18 ✭✭
    It would also be nice if we could add print titles that are not available in Logos and include just the title in searches.  This would also be helpful to Logos for gathering data on books they might want to add.
  • J Peter Wilson
    J Peter Wilson Member Posts: 60 ✭✭
    Yes, adding ISBNs would be handy.
  • Dr. Bill Patterson
    Dr. Bill Patterson Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
    Wow, I just gave away 2,000 print books before finding out this was an option on Logos.
  • Yes, please. Some of my commentaries don't have bar codes to scan. Being able to add a list of ISBNs would be a huge part of the feature that led me to want the upgrade.
  • Wilson Lim
    Wilson Lim Member Posts: 8 ✭✭
    Totally agree especially for those with larger libraries.
  • Always helpful. Just the cost.
  • Roy Kosin
    Roy Kosin Member Posts: 12 ✭✭
    This is really a "requirement" for this feature. Obviously this is a database system that can manipulate data in various ways so it should not be difficult. I don't want to judge motives but maybe Logos does not want to make this feature available since you could load your entire school library into your Logos library and then maybe not buy as many Logos books. But I actually think this is a good and valid marketing tool (the Print Library feature) to actually sell more Logos books since your will be reminded of the convenience and features of the Logos books each time you are led to your paper library from Logos.
  • Need this! I have over 400 books in my print theological library, and I have them all tracked on LibraryThing. I do not want to have to scan my whole library again. 
  • @Roy Kosin  I didn't think about this. Yeah, if that was the case,  one could easily cheat the system to never have to buy reference books again. 
  • Richard Lindsey
    Richard Lindsey Member Posts: 5 ✭✭
    @Paul R McCuistion  The idea that limits use of Logos to items within Logos is absurd. I have several programs with which I work to analyze things I have obtained from Logos, but which Logos does not give me the flexibility to work with those other programs that have added abilities with which I write. Please, as much money as we put into Logos, liberate us to carry things elsewhere to do things with articles/books/journals we PAID for, as we wish. It bears a connotation of a reversal of Academic Freedom. I'm not trying to get rid of, or disempower Logos, but by use of other programs I have, to enhance the power of Logos to do things Logos is not able to do on its own... Three simple examples include Obsidian with its graphic views, and Scrivener with its ability to handle long articles with lots of documentation, authorial flexibility, and Zotero with its citation capabilities. Also, this is not any effort to circumvent documentation of sources or other legitimate sourcing data, but a way to enhance it... As a writer, it is important to me to research what Logos provides as my primary sources, and then to use other  programs (as those mentioned above) to enable me to see details I might have missed in Logos and write about them from a cohesive perspective. Sermon maker is a good start for sermon prep. But there are some of us whose projects go beyond the building of a 20-30 minute sermon. Let us determine the sort of help we need, rather than trying to force us into a funnel... Thanks...
  • I agree.
  • It would be handy to be able to add ISBN that are not in Logos (yet). I understand they won’t be searched but handy to upload so they will work if Logos gets acces to them
  • We need this!
  • Do it!
  • Warren Musselman
    Warren Musselman Member Posts: 26 ✭✭
    This would be an excellent improvement.  I have many books with ISBN codes which were printed before they started adding bar codes, so I can't put them in my print library.
  • Yes - this would be helpful. Especially if we could also export our print library list. Then we could share it with others in the congregation - such as the church library collection or an assistant pastor's collection. This would enable us to quickly locate books that were not on our own shelves. It would be nice if there were a method along with the bulk upload to categorize the collection (i.e. "Church Library", "Pastor's Library"), and locate the shelf/address of the book. Also, very helpful to the average pastor would be a built-in loan tool where he could loan out his books without worrying about losing them.
    Imagine everyone in your church downloading Logos, just so they could have the church library titles organized so they are easy to know about and access . . . how many of them would make a few Logos purchases - seems like an untouched income stream to me. One way to share these would be as you do documents like Reading and Prayer Lists - with "Yours" "Group" and "Public" (though likely not having a "Public" option).

    I don't think you should worry too much about losing income from increasing the size of one's collection by borrowing from their fellow pastor . . . after borrowing "that" book a few too many times, it is likely to make it on their next Logos shopping list.
  • Even better would be to create a scan function to scan ISBN numbers using a camera.
  • Lots of requests for the dating back over a year.

    I don’t see any word from Logos as to whether these requests are being read or if there is any plan to introduce such a feature.

    Really does seem straightforward and common sense. 
  • Armin Müller
    Armin Müller Member Posts: 3
    Wie wäre es mit Carsten Peter Thiede / Matthew d'Ancona: Der Jesus-Papyrus? ISBN 3-630-87983-7; Englisch: Eyewitness to Jesus; Doubleday, New York.
  • Yes, a no-brainer.
  • NichtnurBibelleser
    NichtnurBibelleser Member Posts: 528 ✭✭✭
    It would be nice to have the „print library“ tool already below the gold tier.