Add support for tables in sermons

Phil Gons (Logos)
Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,803
edited November 2024 in English Suggestions
Please add basic table support to sermons. It's useful to concisely organize information in tables to help in teaching or preaching.
105 votes

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  • David Taylor, Jr.
    David Taylor, Jr. Member Posts: 4,386 ✭✭✭
    I'm having a hard time seeing how this would be useful, granted, I do not use handouts and only use sermons for strict manuscripting.
  • Josh Moore
    Josh Moore Member Posts: 105 ✭✭✭
    I don’t see any value in this. Can somebody help me?
  • Phil Gons (Logos)
    Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,803
    @sonofmoore, personal preference probably. I like tables as a concise way of organizing/summarizing data.
  • Danny Jenkins
    Danny Jenkins Member Posts: 44 ✭✭
    @phil-gons I have many "tables charts" in my WordSearch Bible notes that didn't import into Logos. This is one feature I would love to see.
  • Matthias Aberham
    Matthias Aberham Member Posts: 15 ✭✭
    I would love to have this feature. I am really missing it in Logos Sermon Editor since I switched from Evernote as my main sermon writing tool. I don't need it for every sermon. But sometimes it is the best way to present a structure. See here an example from a sermon on Ps 19. I produced the table-like structure by adding a lot of blanks between the words - not a nice way to do it:

    Name for the Word Property of the Word Effect of the Word
    The law of the LORD perfect reviving the soul
    the testimony of the LORD sure making wise the simple
    the precepts of the LORD right rejoicing the heart
    the commandment of the LORD pure enlightening the eyes
    the fear of the LORD clean enduring forever
    the rules of the LORD true and righteous altogether
  • George Neverov
    George Neverov Member Posts: 3
    I would really support this function. Thank you for your suggestion! Please add table support to Notes as well. Sometimes I define my bullet points inside a table (if it comes to 2-5 bullets, and instead of vertically layout my outline, I need to see them all at once horizontally). Sometimes I need to discuss a contrast, and it would be great to add two columns one against another. Tables are great!!
  • Daniel McCoy
    Daniel McCoy Member Posts: 70 ✭✭
    Yes, absolutely! I regularly use tables in my sermon notes and handouts - one of the reasons I have not switched to using the Logos Sermon Editor as my primary sermon builder. I'm still operating with Pages for Mac.
  • Very useful tool for teaching. Especially if you can put them on a slide.
  • pastor.mtolivebaptist
    pastor.mtolivebaptist Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2024
    I would like to see with the sermon builder, the ability to insert or draw tables, much like one might find in Word, Google Docs, etc.
    Additionally, it would be nice to be able to include tables on a handout as well, to that students have these tables built into the handouts.
  • pastor.mtolivebaptist
    pastor.mtolivebaptist Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2024
    I would like to see with the sermon builder, the ability to insert or draw tables, much like one might find in Word, Google Docs, etc.
    Additionally, it would be nice to be able to include tables on a handout as well, to that students have these tables built into the handouts.
  • michael strand
    michael strand Member Posts: 24 ✭✭
    I agree!  Tables in Sermon Builder would be terrific.  I use tables frequently in Word when writing or organizing thoughts to present, either for preaching or for teaching during small group / discipleship meetings.  I am using Sermon Builder in all these situations, but the lack of tables is a hinderance.
  • Tom Vidal
    Tom Vidal Member Posts: 275 ✭✭
    I've used a table format when preaching and teaching, often when I have a point in one column and some back-up notes in a second column. But I haven't found any particular need for it in the sermon tool. The table would be more useful, to me, as something to present rather than speak from.
  • Flávio Costa
    Flávio Costa Member Posts: 69 ✭✭
    Apoio totalmente.
  • Larry Farlow
    Larry Farlow Member Posts: 13 ✭✭
    I would find this very helpful. It's a thought organizing issue for me. The table is likely going to be in a slide or on a handout but if I could have it in front of my in my sermon / teaching notes, it would be much easier to walk through what I'm teaching. Tables are just the best way to organize some topics.
  • Yes please!
  • Maiko Müller
    Maiko Müller Member Posts: 11 ✭✭✭
    Yes, please, I need Tables on the Sermon Editor
  • Adam Claxton
    Adam Claxton Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
    This would be so useful. Currently to show tabular data on a slide I have to build it in Proclaim, which messes up my control of slides while preaching.
  • This would be so useful, many of the commentaries in Logos use tables to express connections between passages. Often in exegetical teachings I will use tables to show the parallels and connections. This forces me to go into Microsoft Word (kind of ironic) and make a table that I can't then use in Logos, so now I am separating my resources during teaching.
  • Jeffrey Álvarez
    Jeffrey Álvarez Member Posts: 6
    Definitivamente debería estar la función de crear una tabla. Esta es una manera muy práctica de ordenar la información y explicarla a la iglesia.
  • Minnaar Fourie
    Minnaar Fourie Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    I am trying to compare the 7 I am statements of Jesus in the book of John with the Covenant roles of God in the Old Testament. A tabel would be excellent for this purpose but without I need a lot of retail space on my sermon to do the same thing. A table feature would be super easy to use and condenses information making it much easier to convey information. Please add an insert table feature.