Allow external sources in bibliography documents

Phil Gons (Logos)
Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,803
edited November 2024 in English Suggestions
Please allow us to add external sources to our bibliographies, both items that are in Logos that we don't own and items not available in Logos at all.
47 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • Christopher Kou
    Christopher Kou Member Posts: 76 ✭✭✭
    Yes! This would be great. If there were a simple info form to populate with title, author, publication date, etc. and Logos would simply format for bibliography based on that, then I could just use Logos instead of having two running bibliographies for any given paper or topic.
  • Kevin Kay
    Kevin Kay Member Posts: 16 ✭✭
    This is a great idea!!!
  • James Darlack
    James Darlack Member Posts: 11 ✭✭
    I think it would be worth making Logos a full-blown bibliographic management system and note-taking and technical word processing tool (or at least offering those tools as add-ons to the academic packages).
  • Isaac Stanley
    Isaac Stanley Member Posts: 10 ✭✭
    Seems like a no-brainer! Who is doing research with ONLY Logos resources? Maybe some, but most use a mix I would think.
  • Justin Beard
    Justin Beard Member Posts: 13 ✭✭
    It's been almost 3 years since this suggestion was made. Please implement this! It would be so useful!
  • Fabian
    Fabian Member Posts: 1,087 ✭✭✭
    Yes please. 
    Once I had a Bible software which was able to use as the library of printed books. In which shelf it is etc. 

    Χριστὸς ἐν ὑμῖν, ἡ ἐλπὶς τῆς δόξης·