New auto mode to automatically link all panels

Phil Gons (Logos)
Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,802
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
Please create a new auto setting for automatic panel linking that defaults to on. When set to auto, all panels will be linked together. It can be turned to manual mode to switch to the current behavior, where each panel needs to be added to a link set individually.
40 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • David Taylor, Jr.
    David Taylor, Jr. Member Posts: 4,386 ✭✭✭
    Oh this is a GREAT idea!
  • Tyler Bolon
    Tyler Bolon Member Posts: 79 ✭✭✭
    Good Idea
  • Ryland Brown
    Ryland Brown Member Posts: 165 ✭✭✭
    Please add this!
  • Jeffrey Gardner
    Jeffrey Gardner Member Posts: 46 ✭✭
    I like it, except make "Manual mode" a by-resource setting, not a global setting. Coming from e-Sword, here is what I have been thinking:

    - By default, all resources would be in a default link set (this is how e-Sword is set up):.
    - By default, every Bible and commentary would link to the verse, and every lexicon would link to a selected word, etc.
    - If, then, I want to produce different link sets (Manual mode), I can change a resource to that Link set.
    - Each resource would retain its setting always, not having to be reset when closed and then re-opened in a Layout (e.g. such as when I accidentally get too close with my mouse to the close 'X' of a resource and it closes and I have to reopen it).

    "Ever learning and always adding to my knowledge of the Truth"
    "Worship God for who he is;  Praise God for what he has done."

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton Member Posts: 79 ✭✭
    @Jeffrey Gardner
    This setting should be per-layout from the Layouts menu, with Manual for current named layouts and Auto for new layouts.
    Resources should not have a fixed (global) setting:
    # "Reopen closed tab" should restore the link set
    # new tabs should be "auto" in an Auto layout and
    "manual" in a Manual layout.
    # manual changes can be made in an Auto layout, but
    you may have to check the link set for a new
    tab e.g. when there are two or more possible sets.
  • John W Gillis
    John W Gillis Member Posts: 136 ✭✭✭
    I’d suggest a more nuanced approach to accomplish this, one which looks more like what Wordsearch ended up with.

    Having a global setting to enable or disable auto-linking is handy, though it might be more useful if it could be toggled from the application toolbar instead of having to go through Program Settings. Presumably, every window/panel would be linked to link set A when opened via that setting. The idea of applying the auto-link setting at the Layout level instead of the global level is interesting, though it might end up overly complicated.

    The ability to override membership in link set A at the resource level, as mentioned by others, would be important. Moreover, this should be easy for a nominally experienced use to accomplish, and this is an area Logos could use some improvement.

    Today, a user needs to click the “hamburger” icon to get to the resource panel menu to modify or even check the linking status. This status selection functionality would be much more obvious, easy to use, and helpful to have on the resource toolbar: the ability to instantly view the current link status, toggle panel linking on/off, and define link set membership value for any resource with a mouse click. It can all be done with a single drop-down, like Wordsearch used. Wordsearch also provided the ability in the same drop-down to set a resource as a link set “driver”, which changed the link set behavior from peer-to-peer to a master-slave model, so you could scroll around in dependent windows without causing the primary window’s context (and everything else) to follow along – that was very handy.

    I would also suggest following Wordsearch’s example in moving the “send hyperlinks here” setting to the resource toolbar as a simple toggleable icon (they used a “target” icon, which seemed obvious). Again, not only is it easy to see what is set as what, it is a single click to turn on/off.
  • Jeffrey Gardner
    Jeffrey Gardner Member Posts: 46 ✭✭
    @Dave Hooton   (I don't know why I didn't get notified a year ago when you posted...but here goes.)  I agree with your enhancement to my suggestion, that is, connecting it with the layouts and tabs, not the resource, so, for instance, have one tab of a resource open linked, and another tab of the same resource unlinked, or in a different link set - but see John's suggestion below...

    "Ever learning and always adding to my knowledge of the Truth"
    "Worship God for who he is;  Praise God for what he has done."

  • Jeffrey Gardner
    Jeffrey Gardner Member Posts: 46 ✭✭
    @John W Gillis    (I don't know why I didn't get notified a year ago when you posted...but here goes.)

    I like the idea of the master-slave relationship within a link set between tabs of a layout. 

    I run into that all the time --  while reading in a linked Lexicon or Commentary, they will suddenly change the verse that my Bible (and every other linked tab) is sitting on because I've crossed a boundary or taken a link in the text. 

    "Ever learning and always adding to my knowledge of the Truth"
    "Worship God for who he is;  Praise God for what he has done."

  • Jeffrey Gardner
    Jeffrey Gardner Member Posts: 46 ✭✭
    Hey, Phil, what's the status of the suggestion?  (It didn't appear in Logos 10...)

    "Ever learning and always adding to my knowledge of the Truth"
    "Worship God for who he is;  Praise God for what he has done."

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton Member Posts: 79 ✭✭
    @John W Gillis  The master-slave model is seen in multiple-resource display within a single tab but I prefer to have it between multiple tabs.
  • Phil Gons (Logos)
    Phil Gons (Logos) Administrator, Logos Employee Posts: 3,802
    @Jeffrey Gardner  no status, unfortunately. But panel linking and layouts continue to be important topics of internal discussion among our team.
  • Clifford White
    Clifford White Member Posts: 7 ✭✭
    Love this idea!
  • Nathan M Hall
    Nathan M Hall Member Posts: 28 ✭✭
    Fully agree with this suggestion. I've often wanted to right-click my open Bible tab and link all open (or about to be open) resources to it, particularly commentaries and study Bibles.
  • This would be great.
  • Anderson Abreu
    Anderson Abreu Member Posts: 559 ✭✭✭
    It's a much-needed improvement. 


    "... And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." (Ne 8.10)

  • Julie Steadman
    Julie Steadman Member Posts: 1

    Yes please, i was just thinking how irritating it is that you have to click on the tab of every pane and select say 'A' for each tab. The default should be that they automatically link but that you can unlink one if you want to….
    Im new to Logos and I am loving it… a bit of a steep learning curve and Ive come over from Biblesoft who i was with since the 1990's and i upgraded their software in 2018 but they have not responded to my recent emails in the last two months as its not working on my new laptop.. …so i decided it was time….

    Im on a Windows 11 operating system… and i also have it on my android phone but my primary use is my laptop….