iPad/iPodTouch/iPhone Logos software
Some one may have mentioned this already, but it would be much easier to us the iPad/Pod Logos program if you had to swipe to turn the page instead of just touch it. I accidentally touch the screen(sometime with the hair on the back of my fingers or hands) and the page turns or something else opens. Olive Tree is much easier to use, though they have far less titles to access. Another thing Logos might want to consider is offering a different background color for the page you're reading. Bright white can be hard on the eyes.
If you change this, please make it only an option, not mandatory; I personally love the tap-to-turn functionality and would greatly miss it if it were removed. As best I can tell, the current function is both tap-to-turn and swipe-to-turn enabled. Maybe an option could be added to disable one or the other? I've occasionally had issues with the page turning by accident, but more often I find myself clicking one of the superscripted notes in a resource (due to screen size). But I don't think we should disable that functionality just because it can be accidentally activated.
I agree on the background. Different people find various colors helpful for the background; or, down the road, an inverted option. I know there's supposed to be a night mode in the iPhone OS generally (that would also work for Logos) but maybe that's only for iPhone? I can't seem to find it on mine.
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I don't know why, but I find no option to change it to swipe to turn. maybe if I put an "Invisible Shield" on the iPad screen it might not be so sensitive that the hair on my fingers will turn the page or activate a function. I would like to be able to set it to swipe to turn only.
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What I did on my iPhone was to go to Settings, Brightness, then turn auto-brightness OFF and move the slider to the left, until my eyes stopped hurting.
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The point is that, say beige, would be easier to look at for long periods of time than bright white. In certain work areas the intensity must be bright enough to cause eye-strain after long usage to make the print easy to read. I probably sound like a Kindle advocate, which I'm not, but if you look at the new "Bible Reader" by Olive Tree you'll see how much more pleasant it is to look at for hours at a time.
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snomad33@gmail.com said:
I don't know why, but I find no option to change it to swipe to turn. maybe if I put an "Invisible Shield" on the iPad screen it might not be so sensitive that the hair on my fingers will turn the page or activate a function. I would like to be able to set it to swipe to turn only.
By swipe I mean left/right not up/down. Did you mean scroll (i.e. up/down)?
Also check out this link for changing your forum display name. Mine's been fine for several months and then it reverted to showing my full email. Here's how I fixed it (to avoid spam bots harvesting it): http://wiki.logos.com/Changing_Forum_Display_Name
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Logos would do well to look at the Laridian Bible program for the iPhone and iPod. I am amazed that a program operating is this small and environment would have this much f unctionality.
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Gary Butner said:
Logos would do well to look at the Laridian Bible program for the iPhone and iPod.
I'm sure they have...
Elder/Pastor, Hope Now Bible Church, Fresno CA
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For those that have been wishing that you could change the color scheme to be easier on the eyes when reading, especially when reading in the dark...you already can!
Go to the iPad's Settings / General / Accessibility / Triple Click Home and select White/Black
Then when you're in Logos and have the book opened you want to read, on the iPad click the HOME button 3 times quickly and this is what you get... (a lot easier on the eyes when it's dark or you're partially tired)
Jason Saling
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Jason Saling said:
For those that have been wishing that you could change the color scheme to be easier on the eyes when reading, especially when reading in the dark...you already can!
Go to the iPad's Settings / General / Accessibility / Triple Click Home and select White/Black
Then when you're in Logos and have the book opened you want to read, on the iPad click the HOME button 3 times quickly and this is what you get... (a lot easier on the eyes when it's dark or you're partially tired)
Jason,I have not bought yet ipad,is it possible to zoom it more than what you have done?Is there a possiblity of writting in another languages as in Word in microsoft?
Blessisngs in Christ
Blessings in Christ.
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White on black may be a little easier on the eyes, but it looks a little weird. Also I'm not sure how some of the charts or colored fonts, Greek fonts etc. would look. Besides this is an iPod setting, which would mess up the appearance of other apps.
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Jason,I have not bought yet ipad,is it possible to zoom it more than what you have done?Is there a possiblity of writting in another languages as in Word in microsoft?
You can increase the font size. It looked better on the iPad than the image portrays, more clarity. I'm sure you can write in other languages (don't know how), since it is becoming International tomorrow.
snomad33@gmail.com said:White on black may be a little easier on the eyes, but it looks a little weird. Also I'm not sure how some of the charts or colored fonts, Greek fonts etc. would look. Besides this is an iPod setting, which would mess up the appearance of other apps.
It doesn't look weird on the iPad, if you're simply reading books. If you go elsewhere in the App then yes, all the colors are inverted. Yes it is an iPad setting, but you only apply it when you're using it. For example, you open the Logos App, go to the book you're wanting to read, and then press the Home button 3 times and it'll turn to a black background with white text. When you are done reading, press the home button 3 times again and everything is back to normal.
Jason Saling
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I don't get it. There is no reason that I should need to go to iPad settings and change them to use different apps. The settings should be in the app I'm working with, and usually, once set to my liking never need to be touched. Pressing the Home button 3 times on my iPad just makes it go Home, not change to black background.
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Jason Saling
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It? If your talking about tapping tapping the Home button 3 times to change background color, of course it's iPad, the iPod is to small for screen background to cause eye irritation.
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Jason Saling said:
You can increase the font size. It looked better on the iPad than the image portrays, more clarity. I'm sure you can write in other languages (don't know how), since it is becoming International tomorrow.
Thank you Jason,for the response to my quetion.
Blessings in Christ.
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snomad33@gmail.com said:
It? If your talking about tapping tapping the Home button 3 times to change background color, of course it's iPad, the iPod is to small for screen background to cause eye irritation.
It works on both ipod touch and iphone.
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Yup, Ipod works fine.
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Gary Butner said:
Logos would do well to look at the Laridian Bible program for the iPhone and iPod. I am amazed that a program operating is this small and environment would have this much f unctionality.
Been a fan of Craig's for a while and he has done a good job as has the OliveTree team. That said, they have both applications but Logos has a platform plus an unmatched library. I hope we will see Logos catch up in functionality quickly though.