Provide "ribbons" for books that require the user to flip between sections

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,763
edited November 2024 in English Feedback
Concordia Publishing sells Treasury of Prayer with ribbons described as follows:
Dark Green = marks the Church Year calendar section
Gold = marks the current day in the Church Year
Red = marks the order of prayer you are using
Purple = marks the additional prayers you may choose to use
Light Green = marks your place in the Psalms
Blue = marks ''Prayers for the Baptized Life''

Most Liturgy of the Hours, Missals, and similar service books have ribbons and similar conventions - even an altar server gets to know the pattern as they turn to pages of the books they hold for a priest.

Faithlife has had issues with releasing books such as the Missal and Liturgy of the Hours because the user wanted something like Universalis ( which is beyond the scope of Verbum/Logos at this time. However, Logos could add ribbons to such resources (including historical resources) to make them much more useable.
1. Identify the prayer and service books that fit the ribbon pattern.
2. Assign a ribbon, color and range of locations for each section to be marked by a ribbon.
3. Allow the user to set a precise position of a ribbon within the allowed range. gives instructions as how this works with paper books.
4. The display of the resource should include a small selection menu of ribbon colors. When a color is clicked on, the resource jumps to that position after updating the ribbon position to its current position i.e., to the point one has just finished.
5. Each time the resource is initially open, there should be a reminder to check/update ribbons.
6. For scripture not included in the resource, there needs to be an active link out and a preserved position when one jumps back in. In some resources, this is also required for hymns.
This would allow the Logos resource to be used in communal prayer in the same manner physical prayer books are but without the very complex layering of rules that Universalis provides that still may need tweaked at a parish level.

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

12 votes

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  • When hovering over a particular ribbon, it should state the title of said ribbon for individuals that are colorblind. 
  • Philip Rice
    Philip Rice Member Posts: 4 ✭✭
    I teach many Bible classes between a high school and church; there is no way to easily mark where a certain class finished and then flip to where another class is about to start. Please add ribbons or some multiple-place markers in a book. 
  • David J. Ring, Jr.
    David J. Ring, Jr. Member Posts: 163 ✭✭
    This would solve the LOTH difficulty, a purchase of a yearly guide.  See